35 Lucrative Business Ideas To Start With 400k Naira In Nigeria


Are you looking to start a business with a capital of 400k? You’re in the right place.

With many years of experience in the industry, I understand what it takes to launch and sustain a successful business in Nigeria.

This article will provide you with a comprehensive list of 35 businesses you can start with 400k in Nigeria.

Understanding the Nigerian Business Market

The Nigerian business landscape is dynamic and currently experiencing significant changes. The dollar to naira exchange rate, now at 1$ to 1350 naira, presents challenges due to the devaluation of the naira, making it essential to manage business expenses meticulously. Despite these economic challenges, opportunities abound for the determined entrepreneur. Here are 35 excellent business ideas you can start with 400k in Nigeria.

Food and Beverage Businesses

1. Fast Food Restaurant

Starting a fast food restaurant is a viable option due to the fast-paced lifestyle of many Nigerians. With 400k, you can secure a suitable location, purchase necessary equipment, and offer a diverse menu to cater to different tastes and preferences.

2. Frozen Food Sales

Frozen food sales are lucrative as Nigerians appreciate convenience. You can buy frozen foods in bulk from wholesalers and sell them at a profit. Ensure the quality and proper storage of the foods to maintain freshness.

3. Fruit Juice Production

Though requiring a bit more investment, fruit juice production can be started on a small scale with 400k. Offering a variety of fresh, high-quality fruit juices and good marketing can set your business apart.

Retail Businesses

4. Boutique Store

A boutique store focusing on fashionable clothing, shoes, and accessories is a great business idea. With 400k, you can rent a small shop, buy inventory, and set up a website. Attract customers by offering unique items and leveraging social media for promotion.

5. Cosmetics Shop

A cosmetics shop selling beauty products like makeup, skincare, and hair care items can be started with 400k. Rent a small space, stock it with quality products, and use social media to attract customers by providing expert advice and showcasing your products.

Beauty and Personal Care Businesses

6. Hairdressing Salon

A hairdressing salon offering hair cutting, styling, and coloring services is another profitable venture. With 400k, you can rent a small space, buy necessary equipment, and provide high-quality services to build a loyal customer base.

Agriculture and Farming Businesses

7. Poultry Farming

Poultry farming is a lucrative business that can be started with 400k. Purchase day-old chicks, feed, and vaccines to start a small-scale farm. Gradually expand as your business grows, ensuring you have a suitable location with good water supply and road access.

8. Fish Farming

Fish farming can be profitable with an initial investment of 400k. Set up a small-scale fish farm with fingerlings, feed, and necessary equipment. Choose a location with a good water source and adequate drainage.

9. Snail Rearing

Snail rearing is a low-capital business that can be started with 400k. Construct a snailery, purchase snail eggs or snails, and provide proper feed. Snails require minimal attention and can be reared in a cool, shaded area with adequate ventilation.

Technology and Services Businesses

10. Computer Repairs

A computer repair business is profitable with a capital of 400k. Sell used computers and accessories while offering repair and maintenance services. Good knowledge of computer hardware and software is essential for success.

11. Mobile Phone Accessories

With the growing mobile phone industry, starting a mobile phone accessories business with 400k can be lucrative. Sell items like phone cases, chargers, earphones, and screen protectors, keeping up with the latest trends to attract customers.

12. Software Development Services

Software development is a profitable venture. With 400k, develop software applications, websites, and mobile apps. A good understanding of programming languages and software development tools, along with strong project management skills, is crucial for success.

13. Private Tutoring

Private tutoring requires little capital to start. With 400k, you can offer academic support to students at various levels. Specialize in a particular subject or provide general academic support, operating from home or rented office space.

14. Vocational Training Center

A vocational training center offering skills such as fashion design, catering, hairdressing, and computer repairs can be started with 400k. Partner with industry experts to provide quality training and job placement services to graduates.

15. Educational Materials Sales

Selling educational materials like textbooks, stationery, and school uniforms is a viable business. With 400k, source materials from wholesalers or manufacturers and sell them at a profit. Operate online or from a physical store, using social media for marketing.

Health and Wellness Businesses

16. Fitness Center

A fitness center can be started with 400k. Rent a space and equip it with basic gym equipment. Offer personal training, group fitness classes, and gym memberships to attract health-conscious customers.

17. Health Food Store

Cater to the growing interest in healthy eating by starting a health food store. With 400k, rent a small space and stock it with organic and healthy food options. Offer nutrition advice and consultation services to attract customers.

18. Pharmacy

A pharmacy is a profitable business idea. With 400k, rent a space and stock it with essential drugs and medical supplies. Offer consultation services and sell over-the-counter drugs to build a loyal customer base.

Entertainment and Event Businesses

19. Gaming Lounge

A gaming lounge can be a profitable business for gaming enthusiasts. With 400k, set up a lounge with gaming consoles, comfortable chairs, and a good internet connection. Charge hourly rates and organize gaming tournaments to attract customers.

20. Event Planning

Event planning is a lucrative business that requires creativity and organizational skills. With 400k, start an event planning business specializing in weddings, corporate events, and birthday parties. Build relationships with vendors and offer competitive pricing.

21. Photography Services

Starting a photography business can be profitable. With 400k, invest in a good camera, lighting equipment, and accessories. Offer services for events and portrait photography, building a portfolio and marketing through social media to attract clients.

Delivery and Consulting Services

22. Delivery Services

A delivery service is a lucrative business requiring minimal capital. With 400k, start a delivery service catering to local businesses and individuals. Reliable transportation and a strong network of contacts are essential for success.

23. Consulting Firm

A consulting firm is a great business idea for those with industry experience. With 400k, offer expert advice to businesses in various fields such as business strategy, marketing, human resources, and financial management.

24. Accounting Services

Starting an accounting firm requires minimal investment. With 400k, offer bookkeeping, tax preparation, and financial advice to individuals and small businesses. Certified accountants and a good understanding of tax laws are essential.

Agricultural and Farming Ventures

25. Vegetable Farming

Vegetable farming is viable due to low initial investment and steady demand for fresh produce. With 400k, focus on high-demand vegetables or niche markets to enhance profitability. Efficient farming practices can lead to a quick turnaround on your investment.

26. Pig Farming

Pig farming is a lucrative venture. With 400k, you can set up a small-scale pig farm. Pigs reproduce quickly, providing a high return on investment. Proper management and diversification into pork processing can increase profitability.

Personal Care and Production Businesses

27. Barbing Salon

Starting a barbing salon with 400k is advantageous due to its low entry cost and steady demand. With a modest investment, secure a location, purchase essential equipment, and build a loyal customer base through quality service and proper marketing.

28. Palm Oil Production

Palm oil production is a wise investment. With 400k, purchase necessary equipment and rent a space. Palm oil is in high demand, ensuring a steady market. Efficient operations and quality service can make this a financially viable business.

29. Boxers Business

The boxers business is lucrative due to low entry costs and high demand. With 400k, source quality materials and target specific demographics with unique designs. An online presence and efficient inventory management can boost sales.

30. POS Business

A Point of Sale (POS) business is profitable due to the rising demand for electronic payment services. With 400k, acquire POS machines and cover initial operational expenses. Offer services like bill payments and airtime top-ups to diversify income streams.

31. Shawarma Store

Starting a Shawarma store can be lucrative. With 400k, set up a small space and purchase necessary equipment. Shawarma is a popular fast food, and with proper marketing and quality service, you can attract a steady customer base.

Digital and Online Businesses

32. Blogging

Blogging is cost-effective with minimal initial investment. With 400k, focus on domain registration, hosting, and content creation. Targeted content can attract a specific audience, leading to partnerships, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing opportunities.

33. E-commerce

Starting an e-commerce business allows for cost-effective market entry. With 400k, invest in product sourcing, website development, and marketing. Leverage social media and digital marketing to enhance visibility and attract a broad audience.

34. Egg Supply

The egg supply business is advantageous due to low overhead costs. With 400k, purchase chicks, feed, and basic equipment for a small-scale poultry operation. Eggs have a steady demand, providing a quick return on investment.

35. Bed Sheet Business

The bed sheet business is lucrative with minimal capital. With 400k, source quality materials and target niche markets with unique designs. Establishing an online presence and efficient inventory management can drive sales and enhance profitability.


Starting a business with 400k in Nigeria is achievable with careful planning and a focus on profitability.

Understanding market dynamics, offering quality products or services, and effective marketing are key to success.

With dedication and smart business practices, these 35 business ideas can pave the way for entrepreneurial success.

Sylvester Tobias: