NPower Batch C: How Often To Attend Your PPA
GoldenNewsNg learnt that NPower Batch C applicants have been asking the question with regards to how many times an NPower Batch C Volunteer is expected to be at his or her Place of Primary Assignment in a week or month. Read on to see what you should do ….
due to the preying eyes of the NPower independent monitors, because if the NPower independent monitors comes to your place of primary assignment and find an NPower Batch C applicant absent without any clear reasons, this might lead to forceful disengagement or exit of the NPower Batch C Volunteer from the N-Power program.
If an NPower Batch C Volunteer is posted to a primary school, the NPower Batch C Volunteer have do be at his or her place of primary assignment daily, if an NPower Batch C applicant is deployed to a secondary school the N-Power Batch C volunteer have to be at his or her place of primary assignment at least three times in a week, if an NPower Batch C applicant is posted to an Agricultural Agency that is for N-Agro, the N-Power Batch C Volunteer have to be present at his or her place of primary assignment at least once a week and submit your report weekly.