Importance of youth empowerment – Every nation is made up of youth, and it is imperative to know that the child makes up the workforce of any country. The importance of youth empowerment can not be over-emphasized.
Hence in this article, we shall be looking at some of the important reasons why youth empowerment should be employed in a country.
Youth empowerment means creating chances for young people and adults to take up action and make meaningful decisions all by themselves. It also involves providing support so that they can get to live better lives and achieve fulfillment.
Importance Of Youth Empowerment
There are many reasons why youth empowerment processes should be considered very important; below is a list of them.
1. It Helps to Ensure An Increase In The Standard of Living
If there is anything youth empowerment can do, it should increase people’s living standards. It helps to create awareness and allows people to get informed and know what to do and what not to do. In their words, Youth empowerment helps to create opportunities for people, which in turn helps them to live better lives.
2. Ensures the Eradication of Poverty
Have you ever wondered what the situation of any country would be if the youth of that country were heavily empowered? The difference will undoubtedly be clear. Youth empowerment helps in eradicating poverty as well. In that case, the standard of living of the people is increased.
The people are being informed and guided to make reasonable decisions. They are provided with lots of opportunities that help in one way or the other in enhancing poverty alleviation.
3. Keeps The People Informed
Youth empowerment programs and campaigns help in passing down information to the people and members of the general public.
People are given opportunities to make decisions and carry out actions without any fear or doubt. This is one primary reason why youth empowerment should be considered very important.
4. Helps to Reduce Criminal Activities
When the government fails to empower its youth, it is usually very sickening as most youth will have to do anything to get better lives. In this case, it may not be suitable as it will only breed crimes and violence. Undeveloped countries are usually the ones faced with this dilemma in most cases.
But when youth empowerment programs and operations are being carried out, the rate of crime and criminals will drastically reduce since almost every person will be engaged in something meaningful and supported in their endeavors to prevent violence and vile activities.
What Are The Ways of Carrying Out Youth Empowerment?
Youth empowerment processes can be carried out in different ways by the government or volunteering organizations. The e are a couple of ways this can be done, and below is a list of them.
1. Provision of Education (Vocational And Technical)
The youth need to be educated and informed, and one proven way to educate the youth is by providing vocational and technical education to the people to keep them engaged and exposed to learning.
Educating the youth helps them to be aware of their society and its system; it also creates chances for them to be self-dependent and to achieve fulfillment in their careers or profession.
2. Creation of Job Opportunities
The government must create job opportunities for its citizens to avoid crime and criminal activities. While there are hundreds of available jobs in the country, unemployment cases will be sporadic since every youth will be engaged with something lucrative.
3. Engaging Youth In Governance
Engaging youth in governance is another way to empower them to take on something meaningful for their lives. The need to know more about the government system and how it works.
Types of Empowerment Skills
Below is a list of the different empowerment skills, including life coping skills, manipulative skills, and intellectual skills.
1. Life Coping Skills
Life coping skills are fundamental skills that can’t be done without, and they are necessary to human existence. They need to be learned to carry out various life activities. Life-coping skills help to increase resilience because they help people learn how to handle appropriately and control negative emotions, feelings, panic attacks, and other difficult situations.
It can be hard to adapt to complex challenges without life-coping skills as they help you deal with the uncomfortable emotions and stress you face daily. The importance of life coping skills can’t be over-emphasized since they help create room for tolerance even in uncertain times.
2. Manipulative Skills
Manipulative skills are skills that enable you to be able to handle objects carefully. The e skills are needed, especially in workplaces and businesses, to carry on operations successfully and diligently. As an employee or laborer, you need to possess such skills to diligently provide your services in your area of work without any error or delay.
3. Intellectual Skills
This has to do with one’s learning ability and how well one is knowledgeable in a field or subject. Intellectual skills are very vital and are needed to be able to carry out any activity successfully. A person with good intellect will always sound out amongst many others because of their skills and knowledge.
Some Special Ways of Youth Empowerment
When it comes to empowering the youth of a country to be beneficial to themselves and their society at large, there are unique ways the processes can be done.
1. Gender Empowerment
Gender empowerment is an operation whereby both sexes are given the same opportunities and chances to carry out their skills and talents. We all will agree that, in reality, men gain more privileges and opportunities than women.
Still, in this case, both genders are being provided with equal opportunities to be able to achieve fulfillment and live the lives of their dreams.
2. Educational Empowerment
This empowerment process can be carried out by providing educational institutions from primary to secondary and tertiary levels for members of the general public to be able to educate them on their rights and responsibilities and to provide opportunities for students to display their intellects. Education is a vital tool for any economy and is necessary to enhance economic growth and development.
3. Economic Empowerment
Build Economic empowerment by giving the public financial tools to be able to provide for their basic needs and be able to satisfy their wants. Economic empowerment involves creating chances and pathways for individuals, leading to economic advancement and growth.
The people need to be engaged positively in one lucrative activity or the order, and one sure way to do so is by empowering the masses economically.
In summary, it is quintessential for people to be physical, gender-based, individually, educationally, economically, or politically empowered.
These are several ways in which youth empowerment can be carried out to ensure self-dependency, increase innovation and invention, reduce the crime rate, and eradicate poverty.