A man should not kneel to propose, says Kanayo. O kanayo


Veteran actor, Kanayo. O kanayo has come out to have his say on the much talked about trend of kneeling to propose to one’s fianceé. In his view, he considers it un-African for a man to kneel down for a woman.

Kanayo aired his reservations on the issue via a Live Instagram session with his fans where he said he completely agreed with the views of renowned actor, Pete Edochie who also considered it foolish and absurd for men to kneel down for a woman while asking for their hand in marriage. He also added that it is the reason for issues that ensue in the marriage. Both actors are definite that it should be the other way around.

Kanayo. O. Kanayo also added that he understands the younger generation believe his views on marriage proposals are archaic but it doesn’t bother him. The branded the need to kneel down and propose in front of a camera as pressure induced social media.

In a different post he called on fellow men who agreed with him to end the trend of kneeling to propose

Thanks for joining me on the discussion. SAY NO to emotional blackmail by boys kneeling on the street proposing marriage,” 

Enudi Golden: