Amidst the silence of comedian and filmmaker, Ayo Makun, popularly known as AY, his wife, Mabel, has continued to drop cryptic posts on social media.
Goldennewsng reports that this comes in the wake of comedian Basketmouth‘s recent interview, where he denied being friends with AY.
The comedian alleged that AY was using lies about their feud to promote his upcoming show, stating that was his usual style.
According to him, 90% of AY’s revelations during the recent chat with media personality, Chude Chideonwo are all lies
In a post via Instagram on Wednesday, Mabel stated she has realized that witches and wizards don’t gather at night alone but during the day.
The interior designer said when a person decides to stay alone, people would call it pride but it is important to protect one’s space.
She wrote: “I realized a long time ago that wizards do not only gather at night but during the day as well. They will call it pride but protect your space”.
In another post, she claimed her ‘detractors’ are frustrated, adding they will always gather but their efforts would be in vain.
She wrote: “They will gather but it will always be in vain. It’s not going the way they gathered and planned it. They are frustrated, they can’t hide it anymore”.