Breaking : Former Nigerian First Lady Is Dead


Former Nigerian First Lady Is Dead

GoldenNewsNg report that A former Nigerian First Lady, Victoria Aguiyi-Ironsi, has been pronounced dead.

Victoria Aguiyi-Ironsi

It was gathered that the wife of the late Nigerian Head of State, Major General Johnson Thomas Aguiyi-Ironsi, died on Monday morning at the age of 97.

She was born on 21 November 1923 and got married to the late Nigerian leader as a student of Holy Rosary Convent School, Okigwe in 1953 aged 16.

The late first lady was also a former Commissioner of the Local Government Services Commission in Abia State.

Recall that Major General Aguiyi -Ironsi, who was the Supreme Commander of the National Military Government for six months, was overthrown and killed on July 29, 1966, after a counter-coup in Ibadan.

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