Dollar to Naira : Aboki Exchange Rate Today 5th May 2023


The black market Dollar to Naira rate popularly known as Aboki exchange rate Today 5th May 2023 can be accessed below.

Please take note that the exchange rate is subject to hourly fluctuations which are influenced by the supply and demand of dollars in the market. As of now, you can purchase 1 dollar at ₦740 and sell it at ₦745, however, it’s important to keep in mind that the rate can shift (either upwards or downwards) within a matter of hours.

CBN Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate Today 5th May 2023:

USD to NGN Buying Rate Selling Rate
1 USD 460 NGN 460 NGN

Black Market (Aboki) Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate as of 5th May 2023 :

USD to NGN Buying Rate Selling Rate
1 USD ₦740 ₦745

Please keep in mind that these rates are subject to change frequently and may not be accurate at the time of viewing.

Euro to Naira Black Market

Today’s Euro to Naira black market rate: This is the rate at Aboki/Bureau De Change (BDC) are selling and buying The European currency (Euro) currently in Abuja, Kano, and Lagos. There might be slight variations in the different parallel (unofficial) markets.

black market rate dollar to naira

Euro to Naira (EUR to NGN) Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate ₦760
Selling Rate ₦780

Pounds to Naira Black Market

Today’s Pounds to Naira black market rate: this is the rate Aboki/Bureau De Change (BDC) are selling and buying. The Great British Pounds currency (Pounds) is currently in Abuja, Kano, Lagos. There might be slight variations in the different parallel (unofficial) markets.

Pounds to Naira (GBP to NGN) Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate ₦910
Selling Rate ₦930

Rand to Naira

Today’s Rand to Naira black market rate is the rate Aboki/Bureau De Change (BDC) are selling and buying. The Rand is currently in Abuja, Kano, and Lagos. There might be slight variations in the different parallel (unofficial) markets.

Rand to Naira (ZAR to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate ₦31
Selling Rate ₦38

Dirham to Naira

Today’s Dirham to Naira black market rate is the rate Aboki/Bureau De Change (BDC) are selling and buying. The Dirham is currently in Abuja, Kano, and Lagos. There might be slight variations in the different parallel (unofficial) markets.

Dirham to Naira (AED to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate ₦155
Selling Rate ₦165

Yuan to Naira

Today’s Yuan to Naira black market rate is the rate Aboki/Bureau De Change (BDC) are selling and buying. The Chinese Yuan is currently in Abuja, Kano, and Lagos. There might be slight variations in the different parallel (unofficial) markets.

Yuan to Naira (CNY to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate ₦80
Selling Rate ₦90

Ghanaian Cedi to Naira

Today’s Ghanaian Cedis to Naira black market rate is the rate Aboki/Bureau De Change (BDC) are selling and buying. The Ghanaian Cedis is currently in Abuja, Kano, and Lagos. There might be slight variations in the different parallel (unofficial) markets.

Cedi to Naira (GHS to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate ₦65
Selling Rate ₦75

CAD to Naira Black Market – canadian dollar to naira

Today’s CAD to Naira black market rate: this is the rate Aboki/Bureau De Change (BDC) are selling and buying The Canadian Dollar currency (CAD) currently in Abuja, Kano, and Lagos. There might be slight variations in the different parallel (unofficial) markets.

CAD to Naira (CAD to NGN) Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate ₦ 540
Selling Rate ₦ 560

CBN Official Naira Exchange Rates

The exchange rate between the Naira and the US dollar, according to the data posted on the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Currency Exchange Rate where forex is official.

Date Currency Buying(NGN) Central(NGN) Selling(NGN)
5/2/2023 US DOLLAR 459.85 460.35 460.85
5/2/2023 POUNDS STERLING 573.8468 574.4708 575.0947
5/2/2023 EURO 504.2255 504.7738 505.322
5/2/2023 SWISS FRANC 512.0824 512.6392 513.196
5/2/2023 YEN 3.3468 3.3504 3.3541
5/2/2023 CFA 0.7511 0.7611 0.7711
5/2/2023 WAUA 619.0805 619.7537 620.4268
5/2/2023 YUAN/RENMINBI 66.5168 66.5896 66.6623
5/2/2023 RIYAL 122.6201 122.7535 122.8868
5/2/2023 SOUTH AFRICAN RAND 25.0231 25.0503 25.0775

What is $1 to naira in black market?

1 dollar to naira black market – how much is naira to dollar

$1 is ₦ 745

How much is $100 in black market today?

$100 is ₦ 74,500

How much is $100 US in Nigeria?

$100 is ₦ 74,500

What is $1 to naira in black market?

How much is $100 US in Nigeria?

How much is $100 in black market today?

Dollar To Naira Rate Rises After $1.58 Billion Drop In Foreign Reserves

The Naira to Dollar exchange rate closed at ₦463/$1 at the end of trading on May 3rd, 2023, reflecting a 0.14% increase from the previous day’s rate. The rise in the exchange rate is attributed to the depletion of Nigeria’s foreign reserves, which is caused by the decrease in foreign capital importation. The Investors’ and Exporters’ window saw an increase in foreign exchange transactions worth $52.32 million. However, this improvement is not enough to stabilize the Naira as foreign investors see Nigeria as an unviable business environment due to the low foreign capital importation of $5.32 billion in 2022, compared to $23.9 billion in 2019.

Enudi Golden: