Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today 29th July 2023 also known as Aboki Exchange rate can be accessed below..
Black Market Dollar to Naira is how much,
As of the time of filing this article, the exchange rate for a dollar to naira at Lagos Parallel Market (Black Market) stands at N860 for buying and N875 for selling.
Note that these dollar-to-naira rates are subject to change due to the hourly fluctuations caused by the volume of currency available and the demand in the market.
How Much Is the Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today?
GoldenNewsNg report that the dollar to naira black market rate is N860
While the cbn Dollar to Naira exchange rate is 769.889, per $1.
Exchange Rate of Dollar To Naira in Black Market Today?
Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) | Black Market Exchange Rate Today |
Buying Rate | 860 |
Selling Rate | 875 |
The local currency (abokiFx) opened at N860 per $1 at the parallel market otherwise known as the black market, today, saturday, 29th July 2023 in Lagos Nigeria, after it closed at N870 per $1 the previous day.
Black Market Exchange Rate for Most Used Currency in Nigeria
Currency | Buying Rate | Selling Rate |
USD to NGN | ₦860 | ₦875 |
GBP to NGN | ₦900 | ₦920 |
EUR to NGN | ₦750 | ₦800 |
CAD to NGN | ₦560 | ₦600 |
ZAR to NGN | ₦31 | ₦38 |
AED to NGN | ₦180 | ₦200 |
CNY to NGN | ₦80 | ₦90 |
GHS to NGN | ₦40 | ₦55 |
XOF to NGN | ₦1050 | ₦1100 |
XAF to NGN | ₦920 | ₦950 |