‘Don’t Be Misled, We’re Apolitical’, NYCN Advises Sen Adeleke


The National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) has advised the governor-elect of Osun State, Ademola Adeleke that he should not be misled on the activities of the council, stating that the national youth’s body is apolitical.


Goldennewsng reports that NYCN also told the governor-elect, Senator Adeleke that the body will appreciate plans it has for youths and its affiliate body for the development of the state and the country.


Senator Ademola Adeleke had on Thursday inaugurated a State Youth Advisory Council, a special advisory committee that would be tasked with representing the youth interest and finding solutions to problems facing all youths across the state.


Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, the Osun governor-elect said his administration will prioritize youth development as the driver of state development.


Adeleke “My administration will revive the National Youth Council, support expansion of faith-based youth organizations, upgrade digital economy as economic booster, establish incubation and innovation development centers across the state. My administration will prioritize youth development as the driver of state development”, he promised


In his reaction on Friday, the chairman of NYSC, Comrade Abdulazeez Ismail in a statement the Osun State Chapter of the NYCN is alive and active and will partner the incoming government in ensuring the development of the state while remaining apolitical.


Comrade Ismail told Adeleke not to be misled to think the Osun chapter of NYCN is not active, therefore the need to establish another youth council.


“We also wish to inform the public and all politicians that National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) and particularly the Osun State Chapter remains apolitical. None of those at present leading the Council are politicians, this might be a notion while mischief makers are willing to mislead the Governor-elect against the norm.


“Meanwhile, all affiliated Voluntary organizations which are not limited to faith base are also doing great as well, however, appreciate every proposed necessary support the incoming administration would be giving the organizations and the Council when he assumes office.”

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