Amnesty International has called on the Federal government to quickly ensure the immediate release of human rights lawyer, Effiong Inibehe, who was unjustly sentenced by Akwa-Ibom State Chief Judge.
Goldennewsng reports that the Nigerian office of the international human rights watch organization said the entire process that led to the sentencing of Inibehe was a travesty of justice.
Amnesty said the Chief Justice of Akwa-Ibom action was a direct affront to Inibehe’s lawful professional duty as a lawyer.
Amnesty demanded that Inibehe be immediately released from what it described as arbitrary detention and drop all charges against the human rights lawyer.
“Amnesty International calls on the Nigerian Authorities to immediately release Inibehe Effiong from arbitrary detention and drop all charges against him as due process was not followed in his committal.
“The entire process was a travesty of justice and direct affront on his lawful professional duty as a lawyer,” it said.
Amnesty added that “The right to fair and public hearing must be observed at every turn during judicial proceedings. This includes access to the courts and by extension to journalists who wish to observe, record, report and disseminate court proceedings for the public.”