The popular reality star, Erica Nlewedim has voiced out following an alleged kissing session of her love interest, Kiddwaya with fellow ex-housemate Kaisha.
In a video that made rounds on social media, Kiddwaya and Kaisha were spotted in a brows-raising position pouring drinks in the latter’s mouth followed by an attempt to kiss one another.
In reaction to the heat, Erica lashed out at her fans calling her attention to the video on the grounds of her affair with Kidd.
The actress, however, shunned the bad energy and made a resounding warning of not being involved.
“Now the month is ending, let all the madness end with it. Don’t ever involve me in any business that doesn’t concern me, I’m ready for next month and the rest of the year! To success and meaningful endeavors,”
Erica wrote on Twitter.
See her Tweet below:-
Now the month is ending, let all the madness end with it. Don’t ever involve me in any business that doesn’t concern me, I’m ready for next month and the rest of the year! 🥂 To success and meaningful endeavors ❤️
— Erica Nlewedim⭐️ (@EricaNlewedim) January 31, 2021