How Do Google and Facebook keep their Source code Secure when Hundreds of Staff Members have Access to it?


How do Google and Facebook keep their source code secure when hundreds of staff members have access to it? In computer science, source code refers to statements or declarations written in a human-readable programming language, serving as instructions for a computer’s actions.  Programmers use source code to specify tasks for a computer.

Typically stored in text files or databases, source code may be organized in a directory tree, forming a source tree. These files are essential for converting from human-readable form to a computer-executable form. This transformation is achieved through a compiler or, in the case of interpreters, on-the-fly execution from the human-readable form.

The Source Code Analysis and Manipulation conference defines source code broadly, encompassing machine code, high-level languages, and executable graphical representations as fully executable descriptions of a software system.

How Google Source Code Looks Like

Google shares its project codes on places like Google Open Source, where you can find programs like Google Summer of Code. The Google Code Archive keeps projects from 2006-2016, and you can also check Google’s open-source projects on GitHub, where they store many code collections.

If you want to see the code for something specific, like Google Chrome, you can visit the Chromium Project’s website. Remember, dealing with source code requires some technical knowledge. If you’re curious about a webpage’s code, you can use your browser’s tools.

In Google Chrome, click the menu, go to “More tools,” and then click “View Source.” It’s like getting a sneak peek behind the scenes.

How Google Keep their Source Code Secure Even when hundreds of their staff members have access to it?

They are stored in repositories that have built-in source integrity and governance, allowing audits of both current and past versions of the service.

Implementing network security measures like firewalls, Virtual Private Networks (VPN), and anti-virus and anti-malware software provides essential protection.

These measures help defend your source code against external hacking attempts and ensure secure data sharing among employees and data sources.

Google is proactive in securing its source code, maintaining robust measures even with numerous staff members having access.

Here’s how they do it:

1. They Make Use of Secure Severs:

Google has strict security for its servers and devices holding important code. Employees can only use approved devices to access the code, and personal gadgets are a no-go.

2. Strict Monitoring Process:

Google keeps tabs on what its employees are up to. This means using tracking software, checking network access, and other security tricks to make sure nothing fishy is happening.

3. By Giving Out Incentives and Bonuses to Its Staff:

Google gives employees stock options as a bonus. This gives them a reason to safeguard the company’s secrets since their stock options depend on how well the company does.

4. Managed in Sections:

Google’s source code is split into different sections, each managed by a specific team. This way, only a small group has access to sensitive parts, reducing the risk of unauthorized entry.

5. They have a Strong Coding Process:

Google follows safe coding practices, regularly checks for security issues, and plans for potential risks. This way, they can catch and fix problems before they become big issues.

6. Being Open About It:

Google shares information about its privacy and security practices. For example, the Google Transparency Report shows how government and business actions impact privacy, security, and access to info.

By doing all these things, Google makes sure its source code stays safe while letting its team do their work. It’s like having a secure vault with a few trusted keys!

How Facebook source code looks like

When you click “view source,” the code you see is like a custom-made soup for you, not the original kitchen recipe. It’s a mix of flavors, but you don’t know how it was prepared (unless Facebook shares its code). Like cooking, code often gets copied from one place to another. Nowadays, most programmers copy and paste code (95%) unless they’re creating something truly unique. In any system, the process is the same: C-R-U-D.

== Create: Add information (like posting on Facebook).

== Read: Access that information (someone sees your post).

== Update: Edit the information (you edit your comment).

== Delete: Remove the information (you delete your comment).

This process repeats for all bits of information, and the code you see makes it work on your device. Applications can get massive with millions of lines, even if a lot is copy-pasted. Despite copying, the code often needs adjustments for specific uses, testing, and sometimes rewriting.

How Facebook Keep their Source Code Secure Even when hundreds of their staff members have access to it?

Securing the source code of any software, including Facebook’s, is crucial for maintaining platform security. Facebook employs various methods for source code protection, though specific details remain proprietary. Common strategies include:

1. Access Controls:

Facebook limits source code access to authorized personnel, following a need-to-know basis and requiring non-disclosure agreements.

2. Version Control:

Git and similar systems track source code changes, ensuring documentation and detecting unauthorized modifications.

3. Code Reviews:

Multiple developers review code changes to identify security vulnerabilities, maintain code quality, and ensure compliance with security standards.

4. Logging and Monitoring:

Systems monitor source code access, flagging unusual attempts for investigation.

5. Code Obfuscation:

Techniques obscure code to make it challenging for unauthorized individuals to understand or reverse-engineer.

6. Security Audits:

Regular audits and penetration testing identify vulnerabilities in the source code and the overall system.

7. Encryption:

Sensitive data, including source code, is encrypted during storage and transmission.

8. Physical Security:

Strict control over physical access to data centers and hardware prevents unauthorized entry.

9. Security Policies:

Facebook enforces stringent security policies and guidelines for employees, covering source code handling and security maintenance.

10. Security Training:

Employees receive training on security best practices, complemented by awareness campaigns to stay informed about security risks.

11. Bug Bounty Programs:

Facebook encourages external security researchers through bug bounty programs, rewarding vulnerability reports to address security issues.

12. Vendor and Third-Party Assessments:

Security assessments may be conducted for third-party libraries and software components to ensure they don’t introduce vulnerabilities.

While these practices are common, Facebook tailors its approach based on its unique requirements. The company dedicates substantial resources to safeguard its codebase due to its extensive platform scale and sensitive data. Continuous efforts are essential to adapt to evolving security threats in this ongoing process of protecting source code.

General Guidelines: How do Google and Facebook keep their source code secure when hundreds of staff members have access to it?

Here are some suggestions to help you:

  • A significant amount of code is directly visible to users, whether compiled/minimized in a reversible fashion or even directly as the raw script.
  • Much of the code is already open-source and available for anyone who wants it.
  • In many situations, code is reviewed by outsiders: governments, vendors, auditors, lawyers, sometimes even development partners and educational institutions. Often, this is under a non-disclosure agreement, but when enough people know a secret, it’s not really a secret anymore.

Now, given there is some secret code, what is the value of obtaining it?

  • It would be protected by copyright, meaning anyone caught using it would be liable for the severe consequences that copyright law applies to infringers.
  • How much of the code is useful outside the exact environment of its origin?
  • Is the code really unique? In many cases, it’s the concept of the software that’s visionary, and a similar implementation could be written easily enough.

Generally, basic access control along with the threat of dire consequences for leaking code is more than adequate, given that most of the code gets exposed in other ways, and there’s not a big payout waiting for someone who leaks code.

Certain code, particularly for security or anti-piracy systems, can be considered more sensitive and merit additional restrictions. Usually, this just means more restrictive access control and threats of an even harsher set of consequences.

How do I find the source code of Facebook?

Facebook’s source code is not out there for everyone to see. Big tech companies, including Facebook, usually keep their source code private. This code holds valuable information, trade secrets, and security measures that companies prefer to keep confidential.

Unlike closed-source code, open-source projects share their code freely for everyone to use and contribute to. Facebook has a few open-source projects like React and GraphQL, available on GitHub. However, these are specific projects, not the entire Facebook platform code.

Trying to access or share proprietary source code without permission is against the law and breaks intellectual property rules. If you’re keen on getting involved with Facebook’s technology, explore their open-source projects, documentation, and developer resources on their official platforms.


The article explains computer science source code, how Google and Facebook share and protect it. Source code, crucial for a computer’s actions, is stored in repositories. Google shares projects on platforms like Google Open Source and GitHub, while Facebook keeps its code private. Security measures include access controls, code reviews, and encryption. The article emphasizes basic access control’s adequacy and notes that Facebook’s source code is not public, encouraging exploration of their open-source projects.

Edidiong joseph: I'm Edidiong Ekpo, an experienced SEO content writer who writes well researched articles to educate the public on various niches across the web.