How to become a blogger in Nigeria? (A Comprehensive Guide)


How to become a blogger in Nigeria? Becoming a blogger in Nigeria can be both easy and challenging. It’s easy because setting up a blog is not too hard with tools available online.

You just need to choose what you want to write about. But, there are challenges. Internet connection might not always be good, and making money from your blog can take time.

Understanding what Nigerians are interested in and dealing with things like power cuts are also important.

To be successful, you need to keep going even when things get tough and learn about the rules and what’s right and wrong.

How to Become a Blogger in Nigeria?

Starting a blog is easy, but becoming a successful blogger in Nigeria is a bit tricky. It means you have to work hard and understand what people here like.

Sometimes, the internet may not be reliable, and making money from your blog might take time. You also need to know what topics interest Nigerians and handle challenges like power cuts.

To do well, you must keep going even when things get tough, and learn the do’s and don’ts.

So, although starting a blog is not too hard, being a successful blogger in Nigeria needs effort and knowing the right thing to do.

The below guide will explain to you clearly what to do on how to become a Blogger in Nigeria.

How to Choose the Right Niche for Your Nigerian Audience

1. Evaluate your passion and skills:

Consider what you enjoy and what you’re good at. Your blog niche should align with your interests and expertise to maintain long-term engagement.

2. Find a few different potential niches:

Identify multiple topics that match your passion and skills. This step allows you to explore various options before settling on the one that best fits your goals.

3. See if there is a market:

Research the demand for each potential niche. Analyze whether people in Nigeria are interested in and searching for content related to these topics. A thriving market increases your chances of success.

4. Narrow down your niche:

Based on market research and personal preferences, narrow down your options. Focus on a specific subtopic or angle within a broader niche to make your blog more targeted and appealing.

5. Validate your niche:

Before finalizing your choice, validate your niche. Engage with your target audience through surveys, social media, or forums to understand their preferences and needs. This ensures there’s genuine interest in your chosen niche.

How to Setup a Successful Blog in Nigeria

1. choose a Name for Your Blog:

Selecting a name for your blog is crucial. It should reflect your blog’s content and be easy to remember. Consider your target audience and niche. A name that resonates with your readers can contribute to brand recognition and recall.

2. Get a Domain Name and Reputable Web Host:

Registering a domain name is akin to claiming your online space. Choose a domain that aligns with your blog’s name. Opt for a reputable web hosting service to ensure your blog is accessible and performs well. Reliable hosting contributes to a positive user experience.

3. Choose Your Blogging Platform:

The choice of a blogging platform depends on your preferences and goals. WordPress is popular for its flexibility and extensive features. Blogger is user-friendly, while Wix offers drag-and-drop customization. Select a platform that suits your technical proficiency and customization needs.

4. Create and Launch Your Blog:

Once you’ve chosen a platform, follow the setup instructions. Customize the design, layout, and settings to create a visually appealing and functional blog. Launch your blog when you’re satisfied with its overall look and functionality.

5. Write and Publish Your First Pages:

Begin creating content by writing and publishing foundational pages. An ‘About Me’ page introduces you and your blog’s purpose. This provides context for new visitors and helps build a connection with your audience.

6. Effective Keywords Research:

Conduct thorough keyword research to understand the search behavior of your target audience. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to identify relevant and trending keywords in Nigeria. Incorporate these keywords into your content to enhance its discoverability.

7. Monetize your Blog Effectively:

Explore various monetization strategies based on your blog’s niche and audience. Affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and selling digital products are common approaches. Tailor your monetization strategy to align with the preferences of your audience.

8. Promote Your Blog:

Implement a comprehensive promotion strategy to increase your blog’s visibility. Utilize social media platforms relevant to your audience. Engage with online communities and forums related to your niche. Consider paid advertising if it aligns with your promotional goals. Consistent and targeted promotion is essential for attracting and retaining readers.

How to Design a Blog Suitable on PC and on Mobile Phones for Your Audience

1. Choose a Responsive Theme:

Select a blog theme or template that is responsive. Modern themes are designed to automatically adjust and look good on different screens like PCs, tablets, and mobile phones. This makes sure that everyone has a consistent and enjoyable experience.

2. Prioritize Readability:

Think about how easy it is to read your blog. Pay attention to the size of the words, the spaces between them, and how clear everything is. The words should be easy to read on smaller screens without having to zoom in too much. Use clear and simple fonts, and make sure there is a good difference between the color of the words and the background.

3. Streamline Navigation:

Make it easy for people using mobile phones to find their way around your blog. Use a simple menu, maybe one that collapses or hides to save space. Make sure important parts of your blog are easy to get to, so everyone can use it easily.

4. Optimize Images and Media:

Make your pictures and videos load faster on mobile phones by making them smaller. Use pictures that adjust to different screen sizes. Also, make sure your videos and pictures are the right size so they look good on all screens.

5. Test Cross-Browser and Cross-Device:

Check how your blog looks on different internet browsers like Chrome or Firefox. Also, test it on different devices like PCs, tablets, and different mobile phones. This helps you find and fix any problems with how it looks or works.

6. Utilize Mobile-Friendly Plugins:

When you add extra features to your blog, make sure they work well on mobile phones. Some extra features might not work as well on smaller screens and could make things difficult for users. Choose features that are made to work well on all devices.

7. Prioritize Page Speed:

Make sure your blog loads quickly, especially on mobile phones. You can do this by making sure it doesn’t ask for too many things at once and using some technical things like browser caching and content delivery networks. A faster blog makes for a better experience.

8. Implement Mobile SEO Best Practices:

Help people find your blog easily when they search on the internet using their mobile phones. Have a plan for mobile search engines and use mobile-friendly URLs. Also, make sure your content is set up so search engines can find it on mobile.

9. Consider Touchscreen Navigation:

Remember that people on mobile phones use touch screens. Make sure things they can click on are the right size and not too close together. This helps avoid clicking on the wrong thing by mistake and makes people happier using your blog.

10. Regularly Update and Adapt:

Keep up with what’s new in how blogs look and work. Make changes to your blog to keep up with these new things. This helps your blog stay good-looking and working well on all devices like phones and computers.

Steps to Creating SEO-Friendly Content for Nigerian Audiences

1. Understand Your Audience:

Before creating content, know who you are writing for. Understand the interests, preferences, and challenges of your Nigerian audience. This helps tailor your content to their needs.

2. Keyword Research:

Identify relevant keywords that Nigerians might use when searching online. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to discover keywords related to your content. Include these keywords naturally in your content.

3. Quality Content:

Focus on creating high-quality, valuable content. This can be articles, blog posts, or other forms of media. Ensure your content provides useful information and solves problems for your Nigerian audience.

4. Localize Your Content:

Make your content relatable by incorporating local references, examples, and colloquial language. This helps connect with the Nigerian audience on a personal level.

5. Mobile Optimization:

Many Nigerians access the internet through mobile devices. Ensure your website and content are mobile-friendly for a seamless user experience.

6. Optimize Meta Tags:

Pay attention to meta tags, including title tags and meta descriptions. Craft compelling and relevant tags that encourage clicks from search engine results.

7. Use Headers and Subheadings:

Break your content into clear sections using headers and subheadings. This not only improves readability but also helps search engines understand the structure of your content.

8. Internal and External Links:

Include links to other relevant content on your website (internal links) and reputable external sources. This enhances the credibility and authority of your content.

9. Optimize Images:

Compress and optimize images to improve page load speed. Use descriptive file names and alt tags for images, incorporating relevant keywords.

10. Regularly Update Content:

Keep your content fresh by updating it regularly. Search engines favor regularly updated content, and it shows your commitment to providing the latest information.

11. Promote on Social Media:

Share your content on social media platforms popular in Nigeria. This increases visibility and encourages social sharing, contributing to better SEO.

12. Monitor and Analyze:

Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor the performance of your content. Analyze what works and what doesn’t, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Monetization Tips: How to Make Money from Your Blog in Nigeria

1. Showcase Your Skills:

Let your blog highlight your skills, and offer services like writing or consulting to your audience.

2. Affiliate Marketing:

Partner with companies to promote their products on your blog and earn a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link.

3. Google AdSense:

Use Google AdSense to display ads on your blog and earn money when visitors click on them. Just make sure your content aligns with Google’s rules.

4. Sell Digital Products:

Create and sell digital products such as e-books or online courses. Share your expertise and provide value to your readers.

5. Subscription Services:

Offer exclusive content or perks to subscribers who pay a recurring fee for premium access to your blog.

6. Sponsored Content:

Collaborate with brands for sponsored posts. Write about their products or services and get paid for promoting them.

7. Freelance Writing Opportunities:

Your blog can serve as a portfolio to attract freelance writing gigs. Many businesses are willing to pay for quality content.

8. Create and Sell Merchandise:

Develop and sell branded merchandise related to your blog. This could be T-shirts or other items that resonate with your audience.

9. Consulting and Coaching:

Offer consulting or coaching services based on your expertise. Showcase your knowledge through your blog.

10. Host Webinars or Virtual Events:

Organize online events related to your blog’s niche and charge a fee for participation or collaborate with sponsors.

11. Donations and Crowdfunding:

Allow your audience to support your blog financially through donation buttons or crowdfunding platforms.

12. Sponsored Reviews:

Partner with companies for sponsored reviews. Provide honest feedback and receive compensation for featuring their offerings.


To be a blogger in Nigeria, start a blog, but know there might be problems like slow internet and making money taking time. You need to keep going and learn what people like.

Pick a niche by thinking about what you enjoy and checking if people want it. Then, narrow down and check if there’s a real interest. Set up your blog by choosing a name, getting a domain, and creating content.

Make it work for PCs and phones by choosing a flexible design. For SEO-friendly content, know your audience, use good keywords, and promote well.

To make money, show your skills, do affiliate marketing, use Google AdSense, sell digital stuff, offer subscriptions, and do sponsored content.

Edidiong joseph: I'm Edidiong Ekpo, an experienced SEO content writer who writes well researched articles to educate the public on various niches across the web.