How To Earn $15 Every 80,000 Crypto Coins Mined On The Block Network


Whether you’re a cryptocurrency enthusiast or just someone looking to make extra money, the Block Network offers a unique opportunity to earn $15 for every 80,000 blocks mined.

This is a great chance to earn money with minimal effort by leveraging the capabilities of the Block Network app.

Getting Started

To start earning, follow these simple steps:

  • Download the App: Install the Block Network app from the Google Play Store by visiting this link.
  • Login: Use your Gmail account to log in to the app.
  • Start Mining: Click the start button to begin.
  • Watch Advertisements: Wait for the advertisement to finish playing.
  • Claim Tokens: After the ad, claim your tokens.
  • Withdraw Earnings: Once you reach 80,000 blocks, you can withdraw your earnings instantly to your Phantom Wallet.

How It Works

  • Mining Blocks: Every 80,000 blocks mined equals $15. This process is designed to be straightforward and achievable for all users.
  • Tokens and Withdrawals: As you accumulate tokens, you can monitor your progress and withdraw your earnings once the threshold is reached.

Understanding Airdrops

An airdrop in the cryptocurrency world is a method used by blockchain projects to distribute tokens to users, often to promote their platform and increase user engagement. By giving out free tokens, Block Network aims to:

  • Reduce Gas Fees: The block token is intended to lower gas fees for blockchain infrastructure.
  • Expand Audience: Reaching a wider audience enhances the project’s success.
  • Empower Community: Encouraging community participation helps the technology achieve its full potential.

Key Features of the Block Network

  • Financial and NFT Games: The block token is valid in various financial applications and NFT games.
  • Metaverse Integration: The project aims to bridge the metaverse with the real world and connect the crypto world to traditional banking systems.
  • Free Tokens: Currently, the Block Network is distributing free tokens to participants to build a strong community base.

To earn $15 daily, kindly ensure download the app on playstore to begin at


Important Notice: “This information is provided for trial purposes only. Please do not invest any money if asked to do so. We will not be held liable for any damages. Proceed at your own risk.”


The Block Network provides an exciting opportunity to earn money through a simple and engaging process. By downloading the app, watching ads, and claiming tokens, you can quickly reach the 80,000 block threshold and withdraw your earnings.

This initiative not only helps you earn but also supports the broader goals of the Block Network project, making it a win-win for all participants.

Sylvester Tobias: