How to Earn in Dollars from Nigeria?

FILE PHOTO: A trader shows U.S. dollar notes at a currency exchange booth in Karachi, Pakistan December 3, 2018. REUTERS/Akhtar Soomro/File Photo


Many people in Nigeria dream of living comfortably by earning in dollars due to the high exchange rate. How to Earn in Dollars from Nigeria? By Starting an online business might seem challenging for beginners, but it’s necessary to recognize that your unique experiences and perspective can be valuable.

As a beginner, you can use your individuality to offer something special to the world and eventually make money online. This post emphasizes the importance of your unique viewpoint and provides tips on staying organized in your online journey.

Your distinctiveness helps you stand out, and by sharing valuable insights, you can build a successful online business. Staying organized is key to managing your time effectively, staying focused on your goals, and handling new challenges as they come.

How to Earn in Dollars from Nigeria?

Acquiring earnings in dollars while residing in Nigeria requires a certain level of proficiency. Here are a multitude of strategies that can be employed to realize this objective:

Engagement in Freelancing or Remote Employment:

  • Participate in freelancing undertakings such as writing, graphic design, or data analysis on prominent online platforms.
  • Pursue opportunities for full-time remote employment, facilitating the accrual of income in dollars from the comfort of one’s residence in Nigeria.

Exploration of Blogging or Vlogging Ventures:

  • Leverage adept writing or speaking skills to captivate the attention of overseas clients, thereby generating revenue through blog visits and advertisement endeavors.
  • Delve into the realm of vlogging, particularly on platforms like YouTube, for the dissemination of compelling and educational content.

Venture into the Realm of Virtual Training:

  • Educators and instructors can seamlessly transition into the virtual landscape by offering courses or tutorials online, thereby securing earnings in dollars.

Embark on E-book Authorship and Publication:

  • Endeavor to compose and publish e-books, utilizing platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, as a proven and popular method for accruing income in dollars while residing in Nigeria.

Harness Linguistic Proficiency through Translation Services:

  • Capitalize on linguistic capabilities, extending beyond the confines of English, to secure lucrative freelancing or remote job opportunities in the field of translation.

Undertake Transcription Services:

  • Consider venturing into the domain of transcription, offering meticulous attention to detail and rapid typing skills to earn a commendable income ranging from $15 to $25 per hour.

Dabble in App Development Endeavors:

  • Recognize the burgeoning demand for applications and position oneself as an app developer to harness substantial financial returns.

In addition to these avenues, acquiring new skills and engaging in the online sale of crafted items present viable opportunities to amass wealth within the confines of Nigeria, obviating the need to physically traverse foreign borders.

Key Points to Note Before Earning in Dollars from Nigeria?

Keep in mind that your unique point of view is your greatest strength, and by approaching things in an organized way, you can build a successful online business.

1. Your Unique Perspective Sets You Apart

The internet has provided opportunities for anyone to start an online business, regardless of their background or expertise. As a result, there are many businesses competing for attention in various niches. What will set you apart is your unique perspective.

When using your perspective, start by thinking about your interests, hobbies, and personal experiences. Identify areas where you can offer unique insights or original solutions. For example, you might have significant knowledge about a hobby, a deep understanding of a specific industry, or personal experiences that have shaped your view of the world.

Then, consider how you can provide value with your perspective. This could involve creating content, offering services, or developing products that cater to a specific audience. Remember, you don’t need to be the world’s foremost expert to teach something. You just need to be one step ahead of your audience.

2. Staying Organized as You Build Your Online Business

For new entrepreneurs, being organized is crucial for success. A structured approach helps you manage time, prioritize tasks, and stay focused on goals. Here are tips to stay organized while building your online business:

1. Make a Plan:

Start by outlining your goals and breaking them into manageable steps. This creates a clear roadmap and helps allocate time and resources effectively.

2. Set Priorities:

Identify the most important tasks and prioritize them. Focus on completing these tasks first to make steady progress toward your goals.

3. Use Productivity Tools:

Utilize task management apps like Trello or Asana, calendars such as Google Calendar, and note-taking apps like Evernote or OneNote to organize tasks, deadlines, and ideas.

4. Schedule Your Time:

Allocate specific time slots for different tasks and stick to your schedule. This ensures a consistent workflow and minimizes procrastination.

5. Minimize Distractions:

Identify and eliminate potential distractions, like social media notifications or email alerts. Maintain a workspace that promotes focus.

6. Review Your Progress:

Regularly assess your progress toward goals and adjust your plan as needed. This helps you stay on track and identify areas for improvement or changes.

Why is Making Money online in Nigeria always Difficult?

It’s actually not difficult if you know what you are doing so well. The only problem I feel could warrant you asking this question, is the clear fact that most Nigerian freelancers are not more of providing quality problem-solving solutions for gigs they’re been paid for.

1. Distrust —

Several customers equate online opportunities to scams.

2. Skepticism —

several people HAVE been scammed by fellow Nigerian online businesses and so view any thing run online as scam, which gives rise to the distrust above.

3. Inadequate Knowledge —

The business owner does not know HOW to run that online business

4. Unskilled —

the business owner does not have the right skills to take on the online business world and so, struggles immensely

5. Perception —

the average Nigerian does not believe a business run online is a ‘serious’ business and so does not commit to it the way several of their foreign counterparts commit to it as a real income source.

6. False expectations —-

the business owner goes into the online space with the ‘notion’ that they will strike gold overnight, that making online money is a 100 times easier than doing so offline, that their life fortunes change with just the click of a button, etc. These are false.

7. Quitting too soon —-

the business owner isn’t determined to stay on that idea till it pans out. After 3 months, they usually quit the business. (There is a reason 90% of online businesses fail in the first 3 months. Learn these).

8. They don’t run the business like a real/actual business. (Explained above).

9. It’s a copy and paste thing here, rarely any one taking out time to validate ideas or do anything unique.

10. Not taking out the time to plan out that idea eg, what problem is it solving/what need is it filling, is this a need or solution that will be valuable, who needs it, where can they be found, best way to market to them, best pricing etc

Study your audience, build trust, offer an irresistible solution to something, offer a VALUABLE solution to something, be honest in your dealings, build credibility, take your reputation seriously, show that you are who you say you are, show that you follow up, show that you can be trusted, offer something unique, and, good luck.


Many Nigerians aim to earn in dollars by leveraging unique experiences in online businesses. The post emphasizes staying organized and offers strategies such as freelancing, blogging, virtual training, and app development for earning in dollars from Nigeria. Key tips include creating a plan, setting priorities, using productivity tools, and minimizing distractions. It also addresses challenges like distrust, skepticism, and false expectations in making money online in Nigeria.

Edidiong joseph: I'm Edidiong Ekpo, an experienced SEO content writer who writes well researched articles to educate the public on various niches across the web.