How To Write Letter Of Attestation For Nigeria Navy, and other Forces Recruitment


How to Write a Letter of Attestation for Nigeria Navy, Army, Air Force, Police, and NSCDC Recruitment

Writing a letter of attestation for recruitment into Nigeria’s armed forces (Navy, Army, Air Force, Police, NSCDC) is an important step in supporting someone’s application. This document serves as proof of good moral character and vouches for the applicant’s capability to serve professionally and ethically. Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting an effective letter of attestation:


How to Write a Letter of Attestation

[Your Name]

[Your Address]
[City, State]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

The Director of Enlistment & Recruitment,
[Force Name (Navy, Air Force, Army, Police, NSCDC)],
[Location, e.g., Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC)],
Abuja, Nigeria.

Subject: Attestation of Good Character for [Applicant’s Name]

Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject: Attestation of Good Character for [Applicant’s Full Name]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter in support of [Applicant’s Full Name] for recruitment into the [Nigerian Navy, Army, Air Force, Police, or NSCDC]. I have known [him/her] for [number of years] in my capacity as [relationship—mentor, teacher, neighbor, colleague]. Based on my personal and professional experience with [him/her], I can confidently attest to [his/her] good character, moral integrity, and dedication.

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Applicant’s Background

[Applicant’s Name] has consistently exhibited a strong sense of responsibility, respect for authority, and the ability to lead and follow orders as required. Throughout our relationship, [he/she] has shown dedication to community service and has always been committed to ensuring that any task assigned is executed with diligence. [He/she] is well-prepared for the challenges and duties that come with serving in the [specific force].

Traits and Character

In my opinion, [Applicant’s Name] is an individual of high moral standing who possesses a balanced combination of leadership qualities and a willingness to work as part of a team. [He/she] has demonstrated:

  • Discipline: Consistently punctual, responsible, and focused on achieving set goals.
  • Integrity: Upholds strong ethical principles and conducts affairs with honesty.
  • Teamwork: Works well with others and respects authority, which is crucial in the hierarchical structure of military or paramilitary service.
  • Resilience: [He/she] is mentally and physically prepared to endure and overcome the challenges that arise during training and service.
  • Leadership: When given leadership roles, [he/she] is able to guide others effectively while maintaining a clear sense of responsibility.

Contribution to the Force

Given these outstanding qualities, I am confident that [Applicant’s Name] will be an asset to the [specific force]. [His/her] dedication to duty, ability to work in a team, and genuine interest in contributing to national security and welfare make [him/her] an excellent candidate for this role. I am certain that [he/she] will adhere to the highest standards of conduct expected of members of the armed forces or paramilitary service.

Closing Remarks

Please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Email Address] if further details or verification are required. I highly recommend [Applicant’s Full Name] for recruitment, as I believe [he/she] will exceed your expectations and contribute meaningfully to the success of the [specific force].

Thank you for considering this attestation, and I remain at your disposal for any further clarifications.

Yours faithfully,
[Your Signature]
[Your Full Name]
[Your Position/Occupation]
[Your Phone Number]

Important Elements to Include:

  1. Personal Connection: Mention how long you’ve known the applicant and in what capacity.
  2. Moral Character: Highlight their good conduct, leadership abilities, and ethical standards.
  3. Qualities & Skills: Focus on discipline, teamwork, resilience, and integrity as these are valued in military/paramilitary service.
  4. Contribution: State how their skills and character will benefit the force.
  5. Offer for Further Information: Let them know you are available for further verification.

This attestation letter format ensures you provide a well-rounded, detailed, and personalized endorsement of the applicant. It emphasizes the qualities that are highly valued in military and paramilitary service and follows a formal structure expected in official correspondence.


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