The Anglican Bishop of Kutigi Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Jeremiah Ndana Kolo has admonished christians to observe the period of Lent with forgiveness and reconciliation.
He said in his Lent message “the confession of faith and its confirmation” that it is crucial to a true worshiper of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Bishop Jeremiah emphasised that Forgiveness has to do with an intentional decision to let go of resentment and anger towards someone who has committed a wrong against his or her fellow human being.
According to the Bishop, “reconciliation means having fellowship and peace with God where there was enmity. It has to do with the relationship between God and man or man and man coming together as this is the next step after asking and receiving forgiveness.
“Your reconciliation with others is truly a blessing from God and one should seek it. It requires humility, patience, endurance, and a lot of truth”.
The Bishop further disclosed that, God showcased the act of forgiveness despite man’s iniquity, and the reason He sent His son Jesus Christ in the form of man to die on the cross so that the whole creation can be reconciled to Him.
During this Holy Season of Lent, Bishop Kolo said “we are focusing on forgiveness and reconciliation as taught by the Bible. Let us seize this opportunity to pray for ourselves, families, friends, the Diocese and the nation at large so that God can forgive, restore, renew and reconfigure our lives and destinies”.