List of Universities Accepting NCE Holders into 300 Level Through Direct Entry


List of Universities Accepting NCE Holders into 300 Level Through Direct Entry can be accessed below.

Do you want to enter the 300 level through direct entry? And you want to think about universities that accept NCE for this? In other words, you have NCE and want to attend a university that will admit you to the 300 level rather than the usual 200 level. Here is a list of courses and universities that may accept students on such terms.

The Summary of Direct Entry for NCE Holders

An NCE graduate or holder has already completed three years of study in a college of education, culminating in the award of the Nigeria Certificate In Education. This group of candidates may apply to universities of their choice via JAMB Direct Entry. Obtaining a DE will allow them to process admissions into education universities or universities that offer education courses.

DE candidates are typically admitted to the 200 level of their proposed courses. As a result, they must attend university for an additional three years before receiving a Bachelor of Science in Education (B.Sc Ed. or B.Ed).

The Summary of Direct Entry for NCE Holders

An NCE graduate or holder has already completed three years of study in a college of education, culminating in the award of the Nigeria Certificate In Education. This group of candidates may apply to universities of their choice via JAMB Direct Entry. Obtaining a DE will allow them to process admissions into education universities or universities that offer education courses.

DE candidates are typically admitted to the 200 level of their proposed courses. As a result, they must attend university for an additional three years before receiving a Bachelor of Science in Education (B.Sc Ed. or B.Ed).

However, some universities may offer you admission to the 300 level instead. As a result, you will only need to attend university for two years. The universities and courses that allow this are listed below.

List of Universities Accepting NCE Holders into 300 Level Through Direct Entry

  1. ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION: The Universities of Nigeria (UNN), EDALV, and Ibadan (UI) accept NCE with O Level credit passes in subjects to be combined with Education at the 300 level.
  2. CHEMISTRY EDUCATION:Imo State University (IMSU) accepts NCE merit in Education as well as two (2) subjects to be combined with education at the 300 level, and below merit at the 200 level. IMSU requires an O’Level pass in English.
  3. CRS EDUCATION: University of Nigeria (UNN) and EDALV accept NCE credit in Christian Religious Studies into 300 level.
  4. ECONOMICS EDUCATION: University of Ibadan (UI) accepts NCE graduates from all affiliated Colleges of Education into 300 level.
  5. FRENCH EDUCATION: EDALV and Usmanu Danfodiyo University (UDU) accept ND plus four (4) O’Level credit passes and admit NCE holders to 300 level.
  6. HISTORY EDUCATION: University of Ibadan (UI) accepts NCE from IBADAN affiliated Colleges into 300 level.
  7. MATHEMATICS EDUCATION: Imo State University (IMSU) accepts NCE merit in Education and the two (2) subject areas into 300 level and below merit into 200 level.
  8. RELIGIOUS STUDIES EDUCATION: University of Nigeria (UNN) and EDALV accept NCE credit in Christian Religious Studies into 300 level
  9. SCIENCE EDUCATION: Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUTECH) accepts NCE merit in four (4) subjects into 300 level
  10. HISTORY AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES EDUCATION: University of Ibadan (UI) accepts NCE from IBADAN-affiliated Colleges into 300 level.
  11. TEACHERS EDUCATION SCIENCE: UNN, EDALV, and IBADAN accept NCE with ‘O’ Level credit passes in subjects to be combined with Education into 300 level.


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