NCDs Prevention Contest 2024 For Nigerian Secondary School Students – Win N100,000 Cash Prize


The NCDs Prevention Contest 2024 invites Nigerian secondary school students to contribute their innovative ideas towards preventing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in their communities.

With the prevalence of major NCDs such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers, respiratory diseases, and diabetes on the rise in Nigeria, proactive measures are crucial, especially among adolescents who are susceptible to behavioral risk factors associated with these diseases.


The contest aims to raise awareness and sensitize youths on effective strategies to prevent NCDs by encouraging students to propose practical solutions addressing the behavioral risk factors contributing to major NCDs.


Participants are required to submit entries on the theme: “Burden of NCD in Nigeria: My role as an NCD Prevention Champion”.

Entries should focus on addressing any or all of the five behavioral risk factors including physical inactivity, excessive alcohol intake, unhealthy diet, air pollution, and tobacco use within their communities.


  • 1st Prize: N100,000
  • 2nd Prize: N70,000
  • 3rd Prize: N50,000
  • Several consolation prizes available


  • Open to students in Nigerian secondary schools
  • Participants can submit ideas through various formats such as essay writing, spoken word, drama video, art & painting, storytelling, etc.


  • Essay submissions should not exceed 1,500 words, using Times New Roman font and 12pt body size.
  • Video submissions should be no longer than 120 seconds.

Application Process

Interested students can apply through the provided link. For further details, visit the NCDs Prevention Contest website.


The NCDs Prevention Contest 2024 offers Nigerian secondary school students a platform to showcase their creativity and contribute towards combating the rising burden of NCDs in Nigeria.

By empowering students to become NCD prevention champions, the contest aims to foster healthier communities and promote proactive health behaviors among youths. Apply now to make a difference in your community.

Click Here To Apply

For more information, visit NCDs Prevention Contest.

Sylvester Tobias: