NPower stipend News today: Npower Latest News on payment of May, June and July Stipends can be accessed below.
The good news for you now is that NASIMS will start crediting Npower Batch C Stream 1 beneficiaries’ salaries for the month of May 2022.
This is a result of the Npower May payment, which begins this week on Friday, July 8th. In addition, due to holidays on Monday and Tuesday, Accounting cannot be started today.
NASIMS Commences Payment of Npower May Stipend The good news now is that NASIMS management has started paying the Npower May Stipend to Batch C Stream 1 beneficiaries, according to the most recent Npower news released by NASIMS management.
Npower Batch C beneficiaries will now get their May stipends, according to NASIMS management
Commences Payment of Npower May Stipend
The statement, which was titled “PAYMENT OF MAY STIPENDS SUCCESSFULLY INITIATED!,” reads as follows:
Payment of May stipends has successfully been initiated this afternoon 8th July, 2022, while disbursement and crediting of accounts is expected to commence shortly, we appreciate your patience so far during this moment of delay.
Npower Latest News