Opay BVN Verification Failed? – Here Are The Common Reasons And Solutions


The Federal Government recently advised everyone to link their Bank Verification Number (BVN) to their fintech bank accounts, including popular platforms like Opay, Palmpay, and Monepoint.

This directive aims to enhance security and streamline financial transactions. However, some users have encountered difficulties linking their BVN to their Opay accounts.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the common reasons behind these BVN verification failures and provide practical solutions to resolve them.

Common Causes of BVN Verification Failure on Opay

Incorrect BVN Details

One of the most common reasons for BVN verification failure is the entry of incorrect BVN details. This could be due to typographical errors or misinformation.

Mismatch of Personal Information

If the personal information (such as name, date of birth, or phone number) provided during the BVN registration does not match the information on your Opay account, the verification process may fail.

BVN Not Linked to Phone Number

If your BVN is not linked to the phone number you are using for your Opay account, the verification process can encounter issues.

Inactive BVN

Sometimes, the BVN might be inactive due to prolonged inactivity or issues with the bank where the BVN was issued.

Network Issues

Temporary network issues or server downtime can also cause BVN verification to fail. This is actually a major cause of the issue.

Regulatory or Technical Glitches

Occasionally, regulatory updates or technical glitches within the Opay system can lead to verification problems.

Age Regulation

Currently, users below 18 years of age are not allowed to use the Opay app. This might be the cause of your failed BVN linking issue.

Solutions to Resolve BVN Verification Issues on Opay

Having seen the major causes of the issue above, below are the troubleshooting tips to resolve this and activate your Opay account:

Double-Check Your BVN Details

Ensure that the BVN you are entering is correct. Carefully cross-check each digit and make sure there are no typos. If you are unsure about your BVN, you can retrieve it by dialing 5650# on the phone number linked to your BVN. You can also visit your bank to confirm whether you are inputting the correct BVN.

Verify Personal Information

Make sure that the personal information on your Opay account matches the information associated with your BVN. This includes your full name, date of birth, and phone number. If there are discrepancies, you may need to update your details either with Opay or at the bank where you registered your BVN.

Link Your BVN to the Correct Phone Number

Ensure that the phone number you are using for your Opay account is the same number linked to your BVN. If it is not, you might need to update your BVN records at your bank to include your current phone number.

Reactivate Your BVN

If your BVN is inactive, visit the bank where you registered it and request reactivation. Provide any necessary documents and ensure your BVN is active before attempting the verification process again. This should be your last approach, though.

Retry During Off-Peak Hours

Sometimes, network congestion or server issues can cause verification failures. Try linking your BVN during off-peak hours when the network is less likely to be congested. You can try again at midnight.

Contact Opay Support

If you have tried all the above steps and are still experiencing issues, reach out to Opay customer support. Provide them with detailed information about your problem, including any error messages you receive. They can offer specific guidance or manually resolve the issue. You can contact Opay via 018888329 or by using the in-app “Contact Us” section.

Stay Updated

Keep an eye on any announcements from Opay regarding BVN verification. Sometimes, the issue may be due to system updates or regulatory changes, and they may provide specific instructions or fixes.


Linking your BVN to your Opay account is essential for secure and seamless financial transactions. If you encounter any issues during the verification process, don’t panic. By carefully checking your details, ensuring they match across platforms, and seeking support when necessary, you can successfully link your BVN and enjoy the full benefits of your Opay account.

For more information and support, visit the Opay Help Center or contact their customer service for personalized assistance.

Sylvester Tobias: