President Tinubu Can Appoint Us Even As Sweepers In Aso Rock – MACBAN Appeals

President Bola Tinubu has been appealed to by members of the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association (MACBAN) to consider them in the ongoing appointments.

Members of the group expressed their readiness to work in any capacity, even as sweepers in Aso Rock, the seat of the Federal Government.

The appeal came from the Southeast zonal leader of MACBAN, Alhaji Gidado Siddikki.

He emphasized that this request is justified because cattle breeders nationwide supported and voted for the President during the February 25 presidential election.

Siddikki said, “We are demanding for appointments from Tinubu’s government. Even if it is as office sweepers, we are okay with it. All we want is for us to be part of the government at the centre.

During the election, to my knowledge, my people voted for President Tinubu because his predecessor, President Muhammadu Buhari, told my people to vote for him and they all did so.

“We prayed, supported, endorsed and did everything politically possible to ensure his victory. So he should not abandon us.

“In the appointments the President has made so far, no Miyetti Allah member is among, including the recently screened ministerial nominees.

“In addition to the N8,000 proposed palliative and other benefits of the government, he should appoint us too, even as sweepers at the Presidential Villa.”

While commending the South-East governors for their continued support for the association in the region, Siddikki, the Miyetti Allah leader, appealed to governments at all levels to also fund the livestock sector, arguing that it might go into extinction if not properly funded.

Faith Joseph: