Reading Tips: How to read for exam and assimilate effectively


The truth is that many find it difficult to read to assimilate. Many people read and at the end of the day, crack their head to remember what they read.

The problem is very simple. In this article, we are going to show you how to read and assimilate effectively.


Before discussing the tips proper, you need to understand yourself as a student. Try and know your strong and weak point. This will help you to work on yourself.


1. Do not give room for external interference while reading.

2.Read in a quite environment

3. While reading, try and jot the key point

4. May reference to similar textbooks on same topics

5. Pray for God understanding.

The truth is that you may not be able to achieve success while reading if you depend on flesh alone. Try and ask for God’s wisdom and understanding for effective result.

Finally, be ready to face any exam ahead of you and success is yours.

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