Sugar is a kind of drug. The first symptoms of “breaking” you will feel on average after three days. You will long for something sweet, anxiety and, in rare cases, even depression will arise. This condition will last about a week. A maximum of two, if before that in your diet there were a lot of sweet foods: chocolate, cookies and cakes, soda and packaged juice. If before that you did not consume junk food, a week later after a complete rejection of sugar you will feel an increase in strength and mood.
You will feel the first result in a week. More – more. In a month, your body will become fully accustomed to healthy food. You will cease to feel the urge to eat something sweet and, without realizing it, love protein foods and greens. After three months, your skin will become cleaner and your weight will stabilize. The concentration of attention will increase. You will finally feel the true taste of the products and learn how to enjoy them. After a year without sugar, the risk of cardiovascular and cancer diseases, diabetes and psoriasis will significantly decrease, and you will also lose weight naturally.
A similar experience was described in the book “A Year Without Sugar” by American Eva Schaub. Maybe you will be curious to learn about the Australian Caroline Hartz, the mother of three children. She completely refused sugar at age 41, having heard the diagnosis of “prediabetes”. The photo below was taken in 2017 – she turned 70 years old, and all these years she lived without sugar.
In this photo, Carolina is 70 years old. Of these, almost 30 are sugar free. The most beautiful women in the world before and after plastics (photo) The editors of want to note that even in the case of a complete rejection of sugar, fruits should not be excluded from the diet. Just give preference to low fructose fruits. If you seriously decide to become an adherent of a healthy diet, we recommend that you learn about the difference between healthy and harmful carbohydrates. If you don’t have enough motivation, look at what disregard for your own body can bring.