Which Penny Cryptocurrencies can Deliver 100X in the next 5 Years?


Which Penny Cryptocurrencies can Deliver 100X in the next 5 Years? In five years, we’ll be around one year after Bitcoin’s price has reached its highest point in a four-year cycle.

Selling your cryptocurrency right after this peak might not be a good idea because, historically, about nine months to a year after this peak is when the market tends to be at its lowest, which is called “Crypto winter.”

So, if you discover a coin that seems like it could be the next big thing, it’s worth considering this timing factor. While timing isn’t everything, it’s crucial in unpredictable markets like cryptocurrencies, especially the smaller, less expensive ones known as Penny Cryptos.

I might have some ideas about cryptocurrencies that could increase in value a lot (like 100 times), but I can’t be sure. It would be wrong to say I’m certain. However, I do have a couple of guesses.

But, it’s important to know this is not advice on what you should invest in, and I’m not a professional advisor. If you’re interested, you should do your own research before deciding to invest in any cryptocurrencies. Think of it like finding the next big thing in the world of cryptocurrencies, similar to discovering the next Amazon in the crypto space.

Penny Cryptocurrency

“Penny” in stocks means low-priced shares of small companies. In the crypto world, we call low-priced digital coins “penny cryptocurrencies.” These coins are cheap, sometimes just a few cents each.

People might like penny cryptos because you can buy a lot without spending too much money. However, they come with risks. These coins often have small market values and don’t get traded a lot.

While some folks hope to make big money from penny cryptos because they’re cheap, it’s important to be careful. These coins can be risky and their prices can change a lot. They might not be easy to buy or sell in large amounts without affecting the price.

Compared to well-known cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, investing in penny cryptos is riskier. If you’re thinking about it, make sure to do your homework, manage risks, and understand the basics of the project you’re investing in.

Which Penny Cryptocurrencies can Deliver 100X in the Next 5 Years?

Here are 5 coins you might want to think about adding to your collection: DGB, CTSI, EXCL, FET, and ADA. And I’ll also mention AMP, LEO, and LUNA.

Now, ADA is already pretty popular, ranked #3 by market cap after Bitcoin and Ethereum. Even though it might not go up 100 times, it could still increase a lot in the next 4 to 5 years, especially considering its potential. Even at today’s price of $2.10, it might be worth considering.

Out of these, LUNA is a bit different. It recently became the biggest in the DeFi space, so it’s not exactly a low-cost crypto anymore. Generally, anything under $5 is considered a penny crypto, but LUNA has gone beyond that.

LEO and LUNA are special because they’re deflationary tokens. That means, unlike the others that increase the number of tokens over time, LEO and LUNA are actually getting rid of some tokens. This might make them more valuable in the future because there will be fewer of them around. However, this idea is not proven yet.

Remember, these are just suggestions, not guarantees. If you’re thinking about investing, make sure to do your research and understand the risks.

Here are the values of these cryptocurrencies:

  • LEO 2.87
  • LUNA $37.79
  • ADA $2.10
  • FET $0.72
  • DGB $0.0446
  • CTSI $0.594
  • EXCL $0.135
  • AMP $0.0473

As you check out these 8 coins, make sure to look up the staking rewards for each. The surprising thing is that the coin with the best reward is probably the least known.

The APY (Annual Percentage Yield) for this particular coin is incredible at 68%. I’m not going to reveal which coin it is, though. I want you to do your own research and discover it. If you find out, feel free to share in the comments. This way, you can dive into the details and maybe find a hidden gem with a great yield!

Properties and Criteria for Penny Cryptocurrencies

Making a cryptocurrency give you 100 times your investment in the next 5 years is not impossible in the world of cryptocurrencies. But predicting something that big is really, really hard!

For a cryptocurrency to do that well, it needs to have some special qualities:

1. Must serve some purpose:

If you want a cryptocurrency to give you 100 times your money in the next 5 years, it needs to have a purpose. Unlike meme coins that can give quick returns but often don’t last, a good crypto should serve some real function.

2. Preferably serves as an “Ecosystem”:

It’s even better if the coin is part of a bigger “ecosystem,” like how YouTube helps creators. This means the coin’s blockchain supports other coins or apps, creating a strong foundation for growth. For example, Tron supports BitTorrent and Wink, while Ethereum supports many coins like Polygon (Matic) and Coti.

3. Upgradation and team:

Also, the cryptocurrency should stick around for at least 5 years, and to do that, it needs to keep improving. This involves updating its protocols to stay relevant. For this, having a solid team of developers is crucial. In simple terms, a successful cryptocurrency needs a purpose, teamwork, and the ability to adapt and grow over time.

Things to Consider Before Investing in Penny Cryptocurrencies

Guessing which cryptocurrencies will make you 100 or 1000 times your money is tough and comes with a lot of risk. Here are some things to think about when you’re trying to find cryptocurrencies with a big potential:

1. Research Matters:

Dive deep into the projects you’re interested in. Learn about their technology, what they’re trying to do, the team behind them, who they’re partnering with, and their plans for the future. Look for projects that bring something new and valuable.

2. Market Demand:

Choose cryptocurrencies that tackle real-world problems and have a strong demand in the market. If a project has a clear use and people are adopting it, it’s more likely to succeed in the long run.

3. Tokenomics:

Check out how the project’s tokens work. If they’re designed well, with features like scarcity and usefulness, it can mean the potential for the project to grow.

4. Community and Adoption:

A cryptocurrency with a big, active community and good partnerships is more likely to be successful. When more people use and support it, the chances of success increase.

5. Technology:

Look at how innovative and unique the technology of the project is. Projects using the latest tech and solving problems in the blockchain world are worth considering.

6. Regulatory Compliance:

Make sure the project follows the rules. Projects that pay attention to legal requirements are better positioned to handle any challenges that might come from regulations.

7. Risk Management:

Spread out your investments to manage risk. Consider putting only a small part of your money into high-risk, high-reward opportunities. This way, you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket.

Coin Selection for Penny Cryptocurrencies

1. Internet Computer:

It’s not a cheap coin, but it addresses a big issue: the control big companies have over internet services. Internet Computer creates a decentralized system, like an alternative to WhatsApp called Openchat. This means you control your data, and no one can leak it.

2. Ethereum (ETH):

Ethereum is already pricey, so going up 100 times is hard, but it’s expected to increase a lot, especially with the Ethereum 2.0 update coming. This could make it worth much more than it is now.

3. Cardano:

While I can’t promise a 100 times increase, Cardano is likely to go up a lot, making many investors happy.

4. Webdollar:

This one has a low market value and a strong team. WebDollar is a cryptocurrency designed for the internet, aiming for easy, low-cost transactions. It might be worth trying out.

5. 1 Inch:

1 Inch is a decentralized exchange aggregator, making it easier to swap coins across different exchanges. It’s even available on Gemini, a highly regulated exchange. This makes it attractive to many potential users.

What are The Risks of Investing in Penny Cryptocurrencies? What Should one do Before Investing in Cryptocurrencies?

It’s really important to know that putting money into cryptocurrencies comes with risks. Our goal is to help you understand these risks and give you some important steps to follow before you decide to jump into this unpredictable market.

1: Market Volatility:

Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, can change in price a lot and very quickly. This is because things like rules, what people think, new tech, or trends on social media can make the prices go up or down fast. So, if you invest, be ready for the value of your investment to change suddenly.

2: Lack of Regulation and Security:

The rules for cryptocurrencies are not as strict as for regular money. This means there’s a risk of fraud or hacking, especially on some cryptocurrency websites. To stay safe, it’s crucial to choose trusted websites with strong security measures.

3: Regulatory Uncertainty:

Different countries have different rules for cryptocurrencies, and those rules can change. This can affect how much your investment is worth and if it’s legal. Keep an eye on the rules in your area to make smart choices.

4: Lack of Fundamental Value:

Unlike things like stocks or property, cryptocurrencies don’t have a physical value or make money on their own. Their worth comes from how much people want them, which can be risky. Be aware that investing in something without a solid foundation might lead to losses.

5: Market Manipulation:

Because the cryptocurrency market is not as big as regular markets, some big players, called “whales,” can change prices by buying or selling a lot of a certain cryptocurrency. Also, shady practices like pump-and-dump schemes can happen. Know these risks to protect yourself.

6: Technological Risks:

Cryptocurrencies use a tech called blockchain, which is safe, but individual cryptocurrencies might have problems. Bugs, mistakes in the code, or cyber attacks can cause losses. Before you invest, make sure to understand the tech behind a cryptocurrency and the risks connected to it.

Steps to Take Before Investing in Penny Cryptocurrencies:

1. Educate Yourself:

To invest in cryptocurrencies, it’s important to understand the technology, how the market works, and the risks involved. Read books, attend seminars, follow reliable sources, and connect with the cryptocurrency community to learn more.

2. Set Financial Goals and Risk Appetite:

Figure out what you want to achieve with your investments, how much risk you’re comfortable with, and how much money you’re okay putting into cryptocurrencies. Remember, crypto investments are risky, so they shouldn’t jeopardize your overall financial stability.

3. Thorough Research:

Before investing, do thorough research on the cryptocurrencies you’re interested in. Learn about their technology, the team working on them, how likely they are to be adopted, and who their competition is. Understand both the potential rewards and risks before making any decisions.

4. Diversify Your Portfolio:

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across different cryptocurrencies, types of assets, and regions. This diversification can help reduce the impact of one cryptocurrency performing poorly and lowers the overall risk of your investments.


We are discussing the potential for certain penny cryptocurrencies to yield substantial returns, possibly 100 times their value, in the next 5 years. It emphasizes the importance of timing in the volatile crypto market and provides a list of recommended coins. The information given highlights the risks associated with penny cryptocurrencies, advises thorough research, and suggests diversification. Additionally, it introduces staking rewards and encourages readers to educate themselves before considering cryptocurrency investments.

Edidiong joseph: I'm Edidiong Ekpo, an experienced SEO content writer who writes well researched articles to educate the public on various niches across the web.