Dollar (USD) to naira black market exchange rate today 2021 Abokifx
Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate today. You can now check dollar to naira black market here.
Let’s take to See the current dollar to Naira exchange rate as of today. Let’s help compare the Dollar to Naira bank rate vs aboki rate.
Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) | Black Market Exchange Rate Today |
Buying Rate | 565 |
Selling Rate | 574 |
Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate Today
Dollar, Pounds, Euro to Naira Today – GBP to Naira Today
Date | Currency | Selling(NGN) | Buying(NGN) |
October 31, 2021 | US DOLLAR | 574 | 565 |
October 31, 2021 | POUNDS STERLING | 775 | 763 |
October 31, 2021 | EURO | 667 | 656 |
Dollar to Naira Yesterday and Throughout the Week
How much is naira to dollar today in black market?
The Nigeria parallel market (black market dollar exchange rate today) to the Nigerian Naira is as follows: For the Lagos market (black market).
LAGOS PARALLEL MARKET RATES October 30, 2021 (BLACK MARKET): dollar to naira exchange rate today black market
Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today 31st October 2021 (Black Market Rate) October 31st dollar to naira black market exchange rate: $1 dollar to naira = ₦569
Lagos parallel market (black market dollar exchange rate today)
The local currency opened at N569.00 per $1 at the parallel market otherwise known as the black market, today, in Lagos Nigeria after it closed N565.00 per $1 on Saturday, 30th October 2021.
Based on what premium times report we have been able to arrived at the following calculations
Black Market table rate for Last week
1 | 574 |
5 | 2870 |
10 | 5740 |
15 | 8610 |
20 | 11480 |
25 | 14350 |
30 | 17220 |
40 | 22960 |
50 | 28700 |
100 | 57400 |
150 | 86100 |
200 | 114800 |
250 | 143500 |
300 | 172200 |
350 | 200900 |
500 | 287000 |
750 | 430500 |
1000 | 574000 |
1500 | 861000 |
2000 | 1148000 |
5000 | 2870000 |
10000 | 5740000 |
More information on Dollar to Naira Exchange in Nigeria.
The Central Bank of Nigeria has suspended the sale of Dollars to BDC and has asked banks to meet dollar demand of ordinary Nigerians who want to genuinely want dollars for genuine reasons.
Right now The only exchange rate market recognize by CBN is the Investors and Exporters window, So if you want to buy or sell dollars you are expected to make use it without breaking the law.
Although everyone has been airing their own opinion on this matter. Expert has argued that had it been the BDC was operational things won’t have gone wrong this far.
Let’s not forget that the CBN has condemned the act of registered money changers who engaged in round-tripping..