The Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today 15th December 2023 has been detailed below.
Do you want to know the latest Dollar to Naira black market rate today? Currently, GoldenNewsNg will update its readers on the Dollar to Naira Black Market rate, Dollar to Naira CBN rate, and AbokiFx Rates. The Black Market rate is usually favorable to those who deal in dollars compared to the CBN rate, and those who are in charge are known as Bureau De Change[BDC] Operators or Aboki.
Important Information: Please not that Buying a Dollar means getting a dollar with naira, while Selling means exchanging your dollars for naira at the black market rate.
Dollar To Naira Black Market Rate Today
Dollar To Naira | Black Market Rate Today |
Buying Rate | ₦1250 |
Selling Rate | ₦1260 |
Black Market/Aboki Rate Exchange Table Today
The table below outlines the black market prices for common denominations. Since the selling rate is ₦1250, we multiply it by the denomination in dollars. For example to convert $5, we multiply it by ₦1250.
Denomination in USD | Black Market Exchange Rate (₦1250 per dollar) |
5 | ₦6,250 |
10 | ₦12,500 |
20 | ₦25,000 |
50 | ₦62,500 |
100 | ₦125,000 |
150 | ₦187,500 |
200 | ₦250,000 |
300 | ₦375,000 |
350 | ₦437,500 |
400 | ₦500,000 |
500 | ₦625,000 |
800 | ₦1,000,000 |
1000 | ₦1,250,000 |