Amarachi Ugochukwu, a 32-year-old female marketing employee of a bank in Ikorodu, Lagos State, tragically took her own life by ingesting insecticide within the bank premises on Monday. The incident unfolded around 1 pm when she discreetly entered the restroom and consumed the toxic substance, unbeknownst to her colleagues.
Concern arose among her coworkers when Ugochukwu couldn’t be located, and her phone, left on her table, repeatedly went unanswered. Subsequently, a search led to the discovery of her lifeless body in the restroom, alongside the insecticide bottle and a suicide note.
In the suicide note, which she left behind, Ugochukwu attributed her decision to the harsh economic conditions, expressing despair over various challenges in her life. She lamented low financial standings, mental struggles, and the prevailing tough economic climate, stating that her decisions were flawed, her mind was in disarray, and she couldn’t envision a brighter future. The note concluded with her inability to endure the pain any longer.
This tragic incident highlights the impact of economic hardship on individuals and underscores the need for mental health awareness and support within communities and workplaces.
In the poignant suicide note left by Amarachi Ugochukwu, she extended apologies to her parents and various family members, expressing remorse with heartfelt messages, “I’m sorry mum, I’m sorry dad, I’m sorry Nene, Okwe, Toto, Nazor, Chuchu, Ifunanya.” She concluded the note with a plea to the Lord for mercy.
Following the incident, the bank manager promptly reported the tragedy to the police. According to reports, the manager informed the authorities that Ugochukwu had locked herself in the restroom before taking her own life, and her lifeless body was discovered after the door was forcibly opened.
Upon examination by a medical doctor, Ugochukwu was confirmed dead. Subsequently, the police removed her body and deposited it at Ikorodu General Hospital for autopsy. The Lagos State Police are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding this tragic event.
Efforts to reach the Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, Benjamin Hundeyin, for further information were unsuccessful, as he did not respond to calls or messages.