How Do I Rank My Gig on The First Page of Fiverr and Get My First Order in 2024?


How Do I Rank My Gig on The First Page of Fiverr and Get My First Order in 2024? Getting people to notice your gig on Fiverr and landing your first order might feel challenging, but there’s always a way. I truly believe that nothing is too hard.

To get your gig on Fiverr’s first page and grab that initial order, you need a mix of making it look appealing, delivering quality work, and making smart connections. Think of it like putting together a recipe for success.

To secure your first order on Fiverr, focus on building a strong profile that shows people they can trust you.

You’ve figured out what your gig is, improved it, and even added a video – but here’s the big question: Where’s the money?

Starting a business is tough, especially those first few sales.

But don’t stress, once you figure out how to let people know about your skills on Fiverr, you’ll start making money just like the experts. It’s about finding your way and watching success come your way!

How Do I Rank My Gig on The First Page of Fiverr and Get My First Order in 2024?

Below is a carefully crafted guide that will help you rank your gig on the first page of Fiverr and get your first order, let’s go:

1. Optimize Your Gig Title and Description:

To make your gig stand out on Fiverr and get your first order, start by making your gig title and description just right. Use words that people might look for and keep it short and clear to explain what you do.

2. Choose the Right Category and Tags:

Make sure your gig is in the right category and has tags that make sense. This helps more people find your gig, increasing your chances of getting orders.

3. Create an Eye-catching Gig Image:

Make a cool picture for your gig using good-quality photos that show off what you can do. It should look nice and professional to catch people’s attention.

4. Set Competitive Pricing:

Look at how much others charge for similar gigs and set a price that’s fair. Starting with a lower price at first can help you get your first clients.

5. Write a Detailed Gig Description:

Write a clear message about what you offer, your experience, and why it’s good for the buyer. Make it interesting so people want to choose your gig.

6. Offer Clear Packages:

Give people different options with different prices to fit their budget and needs. This way, more people might be interested in what you’re offering.

7. Deliver High-Quality Work:

Once you get orders, make sure to do your best work and do it on time. If people are happy with what you do, they might leave good reviews, which can help your gig show up more.

8. Promote Your Gig Outside of Fiverr:

Share your gig on social media or other places where people might be interested. This can help more people see your gig and potentially order from you.

9. Maintain Good Communication:

Reply quickly to messages and questions from people interested in your gig. Being good at communicating helps build trust and might lead to more orders.

10. Request Reviews:

After finishing a job, ask your happy customers to leave a review. Positive reviews make your gig look good and can attract more people to buy from you.

How do I get my first order on Fiverr fast as a Beginner in 2024?

I’ll give you my tips that helped me get my first order on Fiverr fast when i was starting out:

  • Make sure your Gig has a catchy title
  • Write a clear description of what you’re offering.
  • Keep it easy for anyone to understand.
  • Use eye-catching images in your Gig
  • Put only relatable tags in your gig

Social Media Platforms That Will Help You get your first order on Fiverr fast…

1. Use Twitter

Twitter stands out as a highly influential social media network. If you’re not currently utilizing Twitter, consider starting to leverage its potential. This platform can play a significant role in expanding your reach and connecting with your clients and buyers effectively.

  • You Must Create a Twitter account to tweet your gig.

If you lack the time or find yourself lacking patience or motivation to create content, consider sharing tweets that include links to informative and engaging articles relevant to your service.

  • You Are Required to Add an image to a tweet (it may be your gig image or any other image).

For instance, you could share an image featuring an uplifting quote to capture people’s attention. Formulate compelling tweets accompanied by appealing visuals to attract individuals. This significantly boosts the likelihood of them clicking on your link. I suggest utilizing Canva for creating images—it’s a free tool allowing you to produce high-quality graphics swiftly.

  • For it not to become toxic, please don’t tweet the same thing repeatedly

You can make use of Buffer to pre-schedule tweets for your posts or other articles, ensuring consistency and relevance. Intermittently include tweets promoting your Fiverr gig, preferably one promotional tweet for every 7 or 8 regular tweets. However, avoid excessive self-promotion to prevent quick unfollows; maintain a balance with diverse content.

  • Endeavor to always post something new but related to your gig.
  • Make use of hashtags related to your gig while tweeting.

Lets assume someone is looking for a freelance writer and you’ve tweeted about being one, your tweet will pop up in their search. They can check out what you’ve posted. Follow people who might want to buy what you’re offering. A handy tool for this is Manageflitter, where you can follow accounts related to your gig by using specific keywords.

2. Use Facebook Groups

The best place to tell people about your Fiverr Gigs is in Facebook groups. But make sure to choose groups that match what you’re offering. For example, if you’re offering guest posting for high PR domains, share that Gig in groups where bloggers hang out. If you post it in groups about entertainment on Facebook, it might not get you many orders. So, pick the right group for your Gig to get more people interested.

  • Look for Facebook groups that relate to your Fiverr Gig.
  • Aim to discover larger groups, such as those with millions of members.

What are those things to consider?

  • Share about your business and what you do, then wait for responses.
  • Afterward, you can provide the link to your gigs or your Fiverr profile. Don’t just focus on business – be social.
  • Talk about things that bring you joy or positivity.
  • Share uplifting images and quotes. When you make your social interactions enjoyable for others, they’ll feel good about you. This positive feeling can boost their confidence in you, leading to more sales.

3. Promote Gig Via Blog

Fiverr recently added a neat feature. Now, you can show off your Fiverr Gig on your blog or website. It’s like a special tool that helps turn your visitors into possible clients. You can put it not just in the sidebar or footer but also in your pages and posts.

4. YouTube

A really good way to show off your Gig is by making a video where you talk about what you do. If your work involves making video intros or explanations, make some sample videos and put them on YouTube. You can even make some extra money with ads. When someone asks for examples, just send them the links to your YouTube videos. Also, when you tell people about your Gig on other websites, share the link to your YouTube video. Put your Gig link in the description of your video on YouTube. And try to use popular words to help more people find your video. Lots of successful Fiverr sellers use this trick to get more attention to their Gigs.

5. Guest Posting

A good way to make more people notice your Fiverr Gig is by writing articles related to what you do and putting them on different blogs. In these articles, add links to your Fiverr Gig or your Fiverr profile. This is especially useful if you’re someone who writes articles. Share your experience in writing articles with your buyers and give them links to the articles you’ve written. This can help turn potential buyers into clients. When you write articles for other blogs, make sure they are interesting, creative, and easy to understand. This way, when you show these articles as examples, it leaves a good impression on your buyers.

6. Join niche forums

Joining forums is a good idea to bring more people to your page. But, just like you wouldn’t want someone to just drop a link on your website and leave, it’s essential to be respectful in the forums. Help out by answering questions, share what you know, and don’t always try to sell stuff in every post. Instead, be subtle, like putting a link in your signature. Pick a few forums carefully – maybe three or four where you can be an active member.

7. Fiverr Official Forum

Use the Fiverr Official Forum to tell people about yourself and your Gigs. Many Fiverr buyers and sellers are there, reading posts and answering questions. It’s a good way to get attention from buyers and, if your services are good, turn them into clients.

8. Offer to guest post

Do you know a lot about something related to what you’re selling on Fiverr? Why don’t you offer to write an article for blogs and websites that fit? They can let you add a link to your gigs at the end of the article. It’s a clever way to bring in visitors interested in your gigs with little effort.

Think creatively to bring in visitors from different places to your gigs. Fiverr does a good job of promoting your gigs, and as they get more popular, you might find you need to do less promotion.

Feel free to ask questions if you need more help!


To rank your Gig on the first page of Fiverr, do this; Boost your Fiverr gig by optimizing titles, descriptions, and tags. Deliver quality work, engage on social media, and request reviews. Utilize platforms like Twitter, Facebook, blogs, YouTube, and forums for wider reach. Leverage Fiverr’s Official Forum and guest post strategically to attract niche traffic and reduce self-promotion as your gigs gain popularity.

Edidiong joseph: I'm Edidiong Ekpo, an experienced SEO content writer who writes well researched articles to educate the public on various niches across the web.