NIS Shortlisted 2023: List of CBT Centre in All 36 States | Check Your CBT Centre Now and Download Now


NIS Shortlisted 2023: List of CBT Centre in All 36 States , Check Your CBT Centre Now and Download Now

Nigeria  Immigration Commission Announces CBT Exam Centers for NSCDC Recruitment

The Nigeria Immigration Commission has published a list of designated venues where the computer-based test (CBT) will be conducted for eligible individuals. The CBT is part of the recruitment process for the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corp (NSCDC) in 2023. Candidates can check their status and print their invitation letters by visiting the CDCFIB portal or checking their emails. It’s important to note that the CBT phase of this recruitment process is entirely free of charge.

To find out if you have been selected for the next stage of the hiring process, candidates are advised to visit the Civil Defence, Correctional, Fire and Immigration Services Board (CDCFIB) portal at Additionally, candidates should regularly check their phones and emails for messages from the CDCFIB. If you have been chosen for further consideration, you can conveniently print your invitation to the Computer-Based Test (CBT) directly from the webpage.

It is essential to be aware that the CBT portion of this recruitment process is completely free, in line with the NSCDC’s commitment to transparency and fairness.

To check the designated centers for the CBT exam, please click the following link: link


Enudi Golden: