Remi Tinubu Makes Case For The Review On The Increase Of Women In Leadership Positions


The first lady of the federation, Oluremi Tinubu has made a case for an upwards review of the number of women in leadership positions in the country.

According to her, women should be given more leadership positions to contribute meaningfully to Nigeria’s growth and development, instead of being relegated to the background.

She made this submission during a remark at a book launch by the wife of the Chief of Army Staff, Mrs Salamatu Yahaya, titled: “Strengthening the NAOWA Narrative,” Goldennewsng gathered.

Mrs Tinubu, who was represented by Senator Nora Daduut, “Women in leadership positions should be reviewed upwards and the book will go a long way in enriching the lives of not only NAOWA members but Nigerian women.”

Hitherto the first lady’s submission, author of the book, and president of the Nigerian Army Officers Wives Association, Yahaya said the book was borne out of the quest to drive women’s participation in leadership.

She said Nigerian women are important when it comes to the development and growth of the country, therefore they should not be left out when it comes to leadership positions because their presence is vital.

Yahaya noted that “Strengthening the NAOWA narratives and all Nigerian women is important especially in leadership positions because Nigerian women have vital contributions to make to the growth and development of the country.

“The book will serve as a foundation to build on in the giant strides of wives of Nigerian Army Officers and Nigerian women who continue to break barriers in their places of endeavour.”

Faith Joseph: