JAMB Exam Update Today 27th April 2023
The 2023 Jamb exam commenced on the 25th of April 2023, following this update, GoldenNewsNg has compiled the latest information regarding JAMB 2023, JAMB Exam Questions and Answers, Past questions, Jamb Possible questions and answer, How to score high in Jamb, news on JAMB registration for 2023, JAMB and all other relevant news for 2023 UTME JAMB candidates.
List Of Things You Should Not Take To JAMB Exam Hall
Are you a candidate sitting for the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) conducted by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) this year? Want to know Things you should not take to JAMB Exam Hall 2023? or the list of documents To Take To JAMB Exam Hall 2022/2023? well, you are not alone. If you are writing JAMB this year be rest assured that you need all the necessary information so you don’t get into unnecessary pressure during the exam. meanwhile, we’ll also give you some solutions to the problems you’ll be facing with JAMB Exam 2023, and Jamb Slip Reprinting 2023.
The first thing we will be talking about is thing to take and not to take to the Jamb examination hall, the list below will help you avoid embarrassment and destabilization in the examination hall. so read on….
List Of Things You Should Not Take To JAMB Exam Hall
The board has prohibited the use of the following items during its exams:
- Automated Teller Machine Cards (ATM)
- Microphones
- Books Or Any Reading Material
- Erasers
- Smart Buttons
- Bluetooth Devices
- Mart Lenses
- Calculators
- Recorders
- Hard Disks Or Similar Storage Devices
- Pens Or Biros
- Keyholders
- Wallet Or Purse
- Mathematical Set
- Watches
- Mobile Phones Or Similar Electronic Devices
- Cameras
- Earpieces, Ink Or Pen Readers
- Parents, Guardians And Relatives
- Smart Rings Or Jewellery
- Atm Card
- Spy Reading Glasses
List of Things To Take To JAMB Exam Hall 2023
List of documents and requirements for JAMB Exam 2022:
- Currently, you need just 2 printed copies of your JAMB examination slip. Reprint your slip HERE
- You are to submit one of the slips to the invigilator while you keep the other one for reference purposes.
- The JAMB examination slip should be printed in coloured though not COMPULSORY.
if you have not printed your JAMB Slip yet, please do so, so you don’t start rushing on the day of your exam.
If you haven’t taken your exam yet, this section is crucial for you. I’ll provide you with authentic Jamb exam questions and answers, which include frequently repeated questions and those that current exam candidates have shared with us.
JAMB Exam 2023: Exam Day 1 Questions & Answers
What is the correct stress pattern for understand
Coming Soon…..
Today’s Real JAMB questions from the Life Changer
1.) Unmi family was
b} affluent
d} Average✅
2) Umi husband is a………
a} business man
b} teacher
c} banker✅
d} civil servant
3) Salma was concious of her…………..
a} inconsiderate behavior
b} dressing✅
c}past memories
4} Umi shared Salma’s EMAL story to givers her children _
a} retribution
b} warning
c} moral development✅
d} educational background.
5} how did Umi feel during her registration …………. Answer: She recounts how she met Salma and how she embarrassed herself for saying spiteful things about the University official at the faculty registration office.

2023 BIO Q
The kind of joint found in the scapula of a mammals is……
A.sliding and gliding
B. Hinge joint
C. Pivot joints
D. Ball and socket.
The kind of joint found in the pelvic which runs the femur of a mammals is……
A.sliding and gliding
B. Hinge joint
C. Pivot joints
D. Ball and socket.
The kind of joint found in the knee and elbow of a mammals is……
A.sliding and gliding
B. Hinge joint
C. Pivot joints
D. Ball and socket.
The kind of joint found in between the atlas and axis vertebrae of a mammals is……
A.sliding and gliding
B. Hinge joint
C. Pivot joints
D. Ball and socket.
Structure joint is also found as no option………..
The structure that allows the free movement of the bones meeting at the joint is called……………….
A. Synovial fluid
B. Synovial membrane
C. Synovial ligament.
D. Synovial Cavity.
What’s the Relationship between cattle and cattle egret…….. Answer (Mutualism)
Hydra belongs to what level of organization…. Answer: Tissue
The the vestigial organ in human is…. Answer: Appendix
Respiratory organ of insect…….
Pair of contrasting genes is known as what….. Answer: Allele
For biology
- Relationship between cattle and egret is what
- Stick insect is albe to escape predators by
- Presence of vascular tissue in bryophyte enables it to
- Characteristics of plant cell, the answer is sha, centriole is absent
we will provide an overview of the Jamb Exam Day 2 questions and answers, highlighting some of the key topics that candidates can expect to encounter. We hope that this information will be useful to candidates as they prepare for one of the most important exams of their academic career.
Life changer
13 beneficial
A BENeficial
B ✅benEficial
C beneFIcial
D benefiCIAL
14 electrician
A Electrician
B eLECtrician
C✅ elecTRIcian
D electriCIAN
15 proficient
A PROficient
B profiCIent
C proficiENT
D✅ proFIcient
16 sufficient
A ✅sufFIcient
B SUFficient
C suffiCIent
D sufficiENT
17 berricade
A✅ baRRIcade
B BARricade
C barricaDE
D barriCAde
18 aeroplane
A✅ AEroplane
B aeROplane
C aEroplane
19 committee
A COMmittee
B comMIttee
C✅ commitTEE
D coMmittee
20 arbitrageur
A✅ arbitraGEUR
B arBItrageur
C ARbitrageur
D arbiTRAgeur .
Coming soon
From the alternative provided in the question below select the one which is most appropriately completes the sentence:
2.Omeime was taking his dog for a walk when the dog suddenly _ from its chain and escaped
broke through
broke lose
broke even
broke loose
broke away
From the alternative provided in the question below select the one which is most appropriately completes the sentence:
3.I was still sleeping when the national news __ this morning
were broadcast
were broadcasted
was broadcast
was broadcasted
were being broadcasted
From the alternative provided in the question below select the one which is most appropriately completes the sentence:
4. Each of the contestants __ a chance to win
From the alternative provided in the question below select the one which is most appropriately completes the sentence:
5.I gave the book to the library attendant __ I think works in the evenings
E)of whom
From the alternative provided in the question below select the one which is most appropriately completes the sentence:
6.The politicians are responsible for the __ events have taken in this country
Keep Refreshing, More Questions are on the way. loading…
In the question below choose the option opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters:
7.The chief was GENEROUS in his award of university scholarships
In the question below choose the option opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters:
This section is to guide you on how to score high in JAMB
How to Score High in JAMB 2023: This guide is really significant, and it will be beneficial to all candidates who will be taking the CBT Exam for the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) in 2023.
If you’ve been wondering, “Can I truly score up to 250, 300, or even 400 in the 2021 JAMB without expo?”Then read on for an eye-opener.
So, you’ve arrived at today’s date.
This page will assist you by providing some tips on How to Score High in JAMB 2023 as well as the materials required for 2021 JAMB preparation.
Well, let’s start by advising you not to be too concerned with how many more topics you need to cover on each JAMB subject.
But be conscious of how many things or how many questions you can answer from the topics you have covered so far.
Now, JAMB has already provided you with everything you need to score at least 180, 250, 300, 350, and even 380 in the forthcoming JAMB exam 2021.
The work is now left for each candidates to use the resources. The truth is “the more you are able to utilize them, the better your JAMB Score”
To a very large extent, you are the one to determine your JAMB score. Whatever way you are preparing for the JAMB exam will either adds or removes from your JAMB Score.
See Complete Guide on How to Score High in JAMB 2023
JAMB begins UTME for over 1.6 million candidates
As of Tuesday, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has initiated the 2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) for more than 1.6 million applicants who have registered. The exam will take place until Wednesday, May 3, 2023, at specific Computer Based Centres located throughout the country.
JAMB Reschedules UTME in 100 Centres Due to Technical Hitches
The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has experienced technical challenges during the ongoing Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), which has led to the rescheduling of the exam in 100 centres.
JAMB Head of Public Affairs and Protocol, Fabian Benjamin, issued a statement on Tuesday night in Abuja announcing the rescheduling due to the difficulties faced by candidates during the exam.
Approximately 1.6 million candidates across over 700 centres were expected to take the examination, and JAMB regrets any inconvenience experienced by the affected candidates and their parents. The Board stated that the technical challenges were due to the introduction of novel features aimed at safeguarding the sanctity of the examination by checkmating all incidences of examination misconduct being perpetrated and perpetuated by vested interests.